Chapter 18: Don't Fuck With Me.

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"No, I'm positive they are different girls!" Niall scream at me. I am positive that the two girls in the 5sos house are the ones that are blackmailing us. I have sent them over $10,000. That's the only way they can afford a house like that. It makes me terribly mad.

"Really then how do you explain the house they have?"

"What house?" Niall questioned. I could tell her was aggravated because his eyes have change from light blue to a dark almost green color. I then realized I hadn't told him about the house. He doesn't even know that I have sent them money. Or anybody money. For that nobody does. Not even management.

"Nevermind I will figure it out in my own." I say through clenched teeth. His jawline tenses as I turn away. As I did so my phone buzzed.

FROM: blocked number

Do you have this weeks money? We have some stuff to buy.

TO: blocked number

How much this month?

FROM: blocked number

Hmm.? How about $1700?

TO: blocked number

Are you serious? Why did you raise the price? How much longer till we are done with this?

FROM: blocked number

Yes. I have some new clothes to buy. This will end when I say so. Unless you want the whole world knowing your secret. Put the money in an envelope and tape it under the large blue mailbox on the beach. I have people watching. Don't pull anything funny. Or else.

TO: blocked number

or else what?

FROM: blocked number

I tell the whole world you have two babies with two different whores. And then once they find out who you really are you will be finished.

TO: blocked number

Fine. When do you want it?

FROM: blocked number

Today. Around 10 A.M. Goodbye


And that was it. I still don't understand how they found out, they must have hacked my phone. They must have seen the messages. I just can't have the world knowing. My girlfriend, Aurora, would kill me.

I don't want to hurt her. She is the love of my life. Sure we fight a lot but this would end us. We always make up anyway, with great sex. I love they way the sunlight shines on her brown hair while it dances with the wind. Her beautiful sage green eyes that light up when she smiles. The thoughts sent chills down my back.

"I'm going out!" I shout across the house as I grab my keys.

"Where and do you want someone to take you?" Paul asked meeting me at the door.

"No I'll be fine, I'm just going to the bank." I say walking out slamming the door. I felt the anger boil my blood at the thought of losing my Aurora.


It's been two months since the crash. Coree is fine. Everyone is back to normal. I have never seen Ashton so happy. Everytime he sees Coree his eyes fill with happiness and he gets the biggest grin. They have gone back to school. I mean I guess they are all better now. There's no tension in the house. Well expect for when Mikey orders pizza. Then things sorta heat up.

"Hey Rae? Can I borrow your car for today?" I need to take a trip into town today and it's raining. The bus isn't the best thing to use either.

"Uh, yeah. Go ahead but can you drive me to school?" Harley said grabbing yogurt out of the fridge.

"What about Coree?"

"She's staying home. It's gloomy and she is lazy." She giggled to herself then said, "she is probably just going to cuddle Ashton all day." I smiled and she gathered her things and we left.

The car ride was just small talk. As we pulled up I thanked her and we hugged. On the way into town there was some morning traffic. Figures, I wake up early and get going and boom traffic. Oh well. As I pulled into the guitar shop some girls noticed me. As I walked up they asked for a picture. I didn't deny it, I just think it's weird.

In the guitar shop I looked around for a new bass. I need one for tour. That's when it hit me, TOUR! That's why the girls wanted the picture. .. Duh.

"Can I help you find something?" A very attractive girl behind the counter asked.

"Uh, yea" I stuttered, "I need a new bass. I'm touring soon. Thought a new one would be nice."

"Sure, where are you touring?" I guess I would wonder too.

"Uh, Europe and North America with One Direction." I said a little shy.

"Oh, 5 seconds of Summer?" She questioned motioning me to follow her.

"Yea, you've heard of us?"

"Yea, that's all my little sister talks about." She said grabbing a black and white bass. "How's this?" She asked.

"Do you have an all black one?" I asked. She put back the other one and grabbed out an all black one, "that's perfect. I'll take it!"

"Ok, great!" We walked over the counter and she checked me out. In both ways.

"Have a nice day" she said just as I was about to walk out the door I turned around and walked back over to the counter. "What's your name?" I asked her

"Mia." She said with a smile.

"See you around?" I said tapping the table with my free hand before turning then walking out.


After all my running was done and lunch it was time to pick up Harley. I got there about 10 minutes after school got out. But I texted her and told her I'd be a little late. As I pulled up around the back I saw her outside, but she wasn't alone.

Two guys surrounded her. They looked mean. I pulled up closer I noticed she was struggling to get away. "HEY!" I screamed getting out of the car, "FUCK OFF!"

"Calum stop, your not going to be able to do anything." Harley said her voice was full of fear.

Why would people do this is daylight? I walked over and went to get her until the fat fuck shoved me back, "ok buddy, not cool" that pissed me off.

In one quick motion there was a guy laying on the floor and the knuckles on my right hand were bleeding. I looked at Harley and she looked shocked. As the other guy went to hit me Harley kicked the skinny twig in his balls. Then down he went. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him off the ground, "next time, do this at night and not with my friend." I said through clenched teeth. Then I let him drop.

Harley came up to me to give me a hug. I turned away and said "get in the car." My mind is racing and I'm not sure what else to say. If I wouldn't have been there who knows what they would have done. Damn if I wouldn't have stopped at the pound I would've been there on time. I look over at Harley. Surprisingly she isn't crying. "Thank you." Is all she said.

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