Chapter 15: F is for Failure and Fire.

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There is was. Written in pen. Never to be erased or change. Laying on the counter. Next to her cold coffee, a note. The note read.

"Dear everyone,

I decided to take Ashton's advice and leave. I'm leaving in a few minutes. Right now it's almost 5am. I bought a plane ticket to L.A. Flight 937. It leaves at 7:15. Maybe I'll have better luck there. I called Norman. He knows what happened. I'm staying at one of his places there. I'm sorry for leaving before anyone was up. I just hate goodbyes. I'm so sorry for whatever I put you guys through and whatever I'm going to put you through. Don't bother calling. I won't answer. Again I'm sorry. This is goodbye for awhile. Harley please don't hate me.

X Coree

P.s. I'm sorry Ashton."

That was it. As my eyes teared up I couldn't help but think about what I said to her as I reread the note over and over. I screamed in her face. I was rude. I was throwing venomous words at her. I meant non of them.

Now it was 9:29. The plane had left. It was probably almost there. Miles away. I couldn't stand this. I just wanted to cry. I wanted to be alone. I wanted to be weak. I had to stay strong.

As I thought this I felt the anger boil inside me. Inside my brain, my heart, and my eyes. I felt my thoughts go dark, my eyes fill with hate and my heart melt from the fire within it.

I had to get him back. He took my girl. Manipulated her. He has to feel what I felt. What I felt when Coree walked in and told me what happened. He has to hurt, just like I'm hurting now.


I woke up. Alone. I don't remember much. I got out of my bed and walked to my bathroom. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I looked in the mirror to see myself. My makeup was down my face and my eyes were puffy and red. My hair looked like the devil himself had thrown a party on my head.

As I stepped out of my clothes I turned on the shower. Making sure it wasn't to hot or cold before I got in. I stood in the shower and let the water just hit my back for 20 minutes. My brain was dead. It had no emotion.

After I showered I sat on my bed in my towel. With just my thoughts. I'm usually able to control them but, I've seem to have left the door to my mind open. The devilish thoughts marched themselves right in.

After I fixed my hair and makeup I put on my bra and white tank top. I grabbed a pair of pajamas out of my dresser. They were light pink with little pink macaroons on them from Forever 21. Still not sure who was here I checked the time before going upstairs. It was 11:42.

I walked up the stairs and heard the voices if everyone. But one unfamiliar deep voice. When I got up the stairs I was shocked to see harry sitting on the couch.

"Where's Coree?" I asked the group. Calum came over to me and handed me a piece of paper. I read it silently to myself. When I was done my arms dropped along with my head. I felt a tear fall. It never hit the ground because it landed on Calums foot as his arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. I put my arms around him and let the price of paper drop the floor.

"I got it." I heard Luke's voice say. Calum let go but I didn't. Luke didn't even care. After a few minutes of silence, I let go. Harry who was still sitting on the couch got up and walked over to me. "Do you want me to make you some tea?" He asked. "No I can do it myself." I mumbled.

Just I was about to take a sip the house phone rang. "Hello?" Michael said as he answered the phone. I watched as he facial expression dropped. My mind automatically went Coree and the plane. "Who was that? What happened?" I question him worried. "It was gamestop, my new xbox game won't be in for another week." "Michael you fucker! I thought something happened to Coree." I grumbled pretty loud.


I didn't want to leave but it's what Ashton wanted. I couldn't just stay there anyway after what I did. It was a terrible choice.

"Hi! My name is bella!" The strange lady next me with extremely blonde Curley hair on the plane said.

"Uh, hi. My name is Coree." I said confused.

"You just looked a little down I thought I would cheer you up." Bella said.

" no you really don't have to. Like really, you DONT have to" I said in the rudest way.

"Oh ok." She said looking back out the window.

After a few minutes passed I put my head phones in. But as soon as I did this bella bitch decided to pull them out and say, "did you know if a plane crashed you have a 96% chance of surviving it."

I didn't even answer her, but right before I was about to put my head phones back in she said, "At any given hour there are over 61,000 people airborne over the USA. Oh and did you know the Wing-span of the A380 is longer than the aircraft itself. Wingspan: 80m, Length: 72.7m."

" I'm sorry but I don't really care." I replied back.

"Oh but you will care when you know only 5% of the world's population has never been on a plane." She said.

As she said that the flight attended came on, "attention flyers. You may have noticed that the pilot has turn on the "seat belts on" light. Would you please do so we are about to go into some rough weather."

"OH GREAT!" The big headed Curley haired girl screamed. "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE ARENT WE?" She screamed louder as she stood up. The lady came over to her and asked her to be seated. Bella then grabbed her my her shirt collar and got really close to her face and said, "you're a terrorist aren't you?" By then I was laughing.

The lady had no time to answer because the plane jolted. Bella quicklyreturned to her seat. As her belt clicked the emergency air things came down. My stomach then dropped and everyone screamed.


"At exactly 12:00 pm right before flight 937 was due to land in L.A.X, the plane went though a thunderstorm. The plane went down in a field in California. Firefighters are still trying to put out the remaining flames. As of now there are no known survivors. Not much is known on what exactly happened. More information will be said as it comes in. Now on to sports."

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