Chapter 2

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-5 years later- -




These were the sounds echoing through the Turtles lair as Mikey and Raph chase Turtle. She had stolen their weapons and now has them in a potato sac she got to keep after all the potatoes were gone. Despite the fact her brothers were ninjas; Turtle had the advantage of being small and easily able to hide. She ran into Leo's room and opened a drawer. All that was in there was a book, but she was able to put the weapons in there and close it. Now for a place to hide.

"Found ya!" Shouted Mikey, Immediately grabbing turtle and holding her upside-down. The five and one-half year old laughed.

"Ok ok you got me now lemmie go man!" She said struggling to get free.

"First!" Said Raph walking in and pressing a finger against her nose. "Where'd you hide our weapons?"

"I don't know what you're talking about big brother." She said using her cutest most innocent voice. But they weren't buying it.

"We know how to make you talk." He and Mikey grinned and Turtle stopped smiling with a look of fear. Once she had stolen all of their masks and she was tickled by all four of them until she revealed where they were. Of course it didn't take long. Now when she's caght, she reveals the stolen good for fear of interrogation.

"Ok ok!" She said in a panic. "They're in that drawer! That one" She pointed to the drawer and Mikey put her down and she stumbled, dizzy after being held upside down.

"You little clepto" Raph said pulling out his weapons and handing Mikey the bag.

"Can I have a weapon too? Maybe I won't steal yours if I have my own." Turtle had always wanted a mask and weapon like her brothers. But she always got the same answer.

"You're too little Turtle." Said Mikey

"No I'm noooot!" She fussed. "I grew! I measured myself! I grew like two inches!"

They just laughed at her and messed up her hair and left the room. Turtle sat on Leo's bed and pouted. It wasn't fair! She had watched them train, and even trained a little herself.

"If it weren't for my size they would let me be a ninja too!" She grumbled tossing Leo's pillow

"Don't take it out on my pillow, what'd it ever do to you?" Said Leo. He was standing at the doorway with a friendly smile.

"I dunno." Said Turtle with a pout. "I asked for a weapon again."

"And you were told no?"

"What else is new?"

Turtle had the language and literature skills of a 17 year old even though she was five. No one ever really though about it, that's just Turtle.

"Ah theyre just looking out for their baby sister." Leo sat beside her and she leaned on him. He wasn't the best pillow. But it was still comforting.

"I know. But I bet I won't hurt myself."

"Well.." Said Leo "I'll talk to Master Splinter, ok?"

"Ok.." She knew he was either lying or Splinter would say no. But Leo was still a good brother.

When Leo left, Turtle stood up and did a few stretches and started kicking, punching and flipping, rinning on the wall and jumping on top of things. She had the same moves as her brothers and she was excecuting them perfectly! She had learned these moves just by memory of watching her brothers.

And maybe eating the goo five years ago may have helped.

*to be continued*

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