Chapter 5

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2 years later....

Turtle, now seven, woke up early in the morning. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes.

"This is a bad idea." She thought to herself. "I'm too tired to do this."

She got up and trudged her way to her bedroom mirror. She rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of them and stared at herself.

She had grown a tad bit taller, but not by much. Her bright green eyes almost seemed to glow in the darkness. She was wearing comfy green pajamas that was a present for christmas. Her hair was the very definition of bed head.

She slapped her cheeks lightly trying to wake up.

"Alright Turtle!" She mumbled. "It's go-time!"

Turtle grabbed a wad of clothes under her bed and changed into a black "Star Wars" tee and black jeans ripped at the knees. She quickly put on socks and Black sneakers with velcro straps. Its not like she couldn't tie shoes, its just that laces were a burden.

She paused, yawned, stretched, and looked at herself in the mirror. Did she have time to do her hair? She looked at her glow in the dark batman watch. She could spare a few minuets.

She picked up a wooden hairbrush with a dragon etching on it. She ran it through her light brown hair until it looked presentable. Then she began to braid it. Her hair had never been cut, so the braid went all the way down to her lower back. She looked at herself and looked at her watch. She was making great time! She grabbed her Super Luigi backpack and peeked out her room. The T.V. had been left on in the living room, but her brothers were nowhere to be found. Then, she saw it! Her prize to obtain. Mikey's skateboard was right next to the couch, unguarded, unwatched, hers for the taking!

She strapped on her backpack and crouched down.

In her head, the mission impossible theme began to play. And she silently leapt from the shadows of her room into the living room! When her hands and feet connected with the floor, she wasted no time crawling behind the couch. She was so quick, she could have been floating! She took off her backpack and cautiously strapped the skateboard to it.

She grinned, this was going to be a clean getaway!

She looked at her watch and breathed a sigh of relief. She was ahead of schedule. No reason why she shouldn't get a snack on the go. She snuck into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She spotted a pizza box and opened it to reveal some leftover pepperoni pizza. She grabbed 3 slices, wrapped 2 in a napkin, and put the other one in her mouth. And turned around to-

"OOF-" She ran into something, something hard, causing the pizza to drop from her mouth. She began to fall backwards when two hands grabbed her around the waist and picked her up. She was afraid to look. She opened one eye slowly, and was met with two eyes looking at her from a purple mask. Donny...

"Uh, hi.."

Turtle blinked and smiled innocently. "Haha heeeeey big brother. Aren't you up a little early, lacking sleep isn't good for you yknow."

"Look who's talking... I think i need to have a little talk with you baby sis."

With that Donny put her down and folded his arms.

"First off, yo might wanna put Mikey's board back."

Reluctantly, Turtle unstrapped the board, and put it back in it's rightful place. She looked back up at Don, who was looking back at her.

"Weeeeeeell it's pretty early in the morning bro, i' going back to bed so-"

"Nice try." Don said, picking her up under the arms. He brought her into his room and set her on the bed.

Turtle looked down guilty and felt Donny sit on the bed next to her. She expected to get a scolding for trying to sneak out. But instead she felt Don's arm wrap around her and scootch her toward him. He had put a pillow on his side for her to lay on comfortably.

She looked up at him, and he was smiling kindly at her.

"Turtle, why'd you try to sneak out this morning, and with Mike's skateboard?"

Turtle hesitated to answer, but then just sighs and looks up at him.

"You know the skateboarding competition next week? I wanted to enter and win it, i've been practicing and all, but I didn't have a board and..."

"Wait, you've been sneaking out before? For how long?

"About a month.."

"Thats...impressive...but Isn't that competition for thirteen and up? Turtle that's an advanced competition. You'd get hurt-"

"I know I know I'm too small right? I'm too little, to fragile, the surface world is too dangerous, well maybe it is but I can handle my own Don, because I'm-"

"My baby sister.."

Turtle stared up at Don and felt some tears run down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and buried her face in the pillow.

"I just..*she said muffled through the pillow. "I just wanna be like you guys."

Don felt bad for Turtle, and began petting her head. He then realized, he hasn't really been around for his sister when she needed him. So he thought of something.

"Turtle, I have a proposition. How would you like your own weapon?"

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