Chapter 3

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"Turtle, come here please." Said Donny. He motioned for Turtle to come to him when she peeked over the couch. She had been watching Loony Tunes, and was rather annoyed her brother wanted to disturb her cartoon time.

"But I'm watching cartooooons!" She pouted.

"You sound like Mikey." He laughed. "It will only take a few minuets sis, I promise."

"Nope that's too long."

"C'mon Turtle. 5 minuets at the most, if it goes over 5 minuets I'll give you a giant Hershey's bar."

Turtle looked at him skeptically.

"No bluff?"

"No bluff." He held up the giant Hershey's bar in question.

Turtle jumped up and ran to him. "LAB RAT COMMIN THROUGH!"

Don picked her up while she was running and set her on the metal table of a strange machine. On the side of the machine was a large computer screen.

"Lay down." He said.

"A PLEASE would be nice once in a while."

"Fine, lay down Pleeease."

Turtle laid down on the cold metal table. "This isn't going to hurt is is?"

"Not likely."

"Have you used it yourself?"

"Uh nope." He started tapping in a code on the key board. "You're the first contestant."

Turtle felt like she made a stupid mistake. "Donny, if I die, my ghost is going to kick your shell."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." And he pushed a big red button. A whirring sound was heard and the metal table underneath turtle started to hum. Turtle tensed up wondering what would happen next. "Relax please." Donny said.

"Ok." But she was still tensed up. But after a few minuets of nothing happening she relaxed. Turtle's shape started to appear on the moniter, but there were many colors in different parts of her on the screen. Small threads of the color green webbed throughout her entire body, but the head was entirely green.

" hmm...I see..."

"See what?"

Donny recorded the data. "Thanks for your help, Turtle."

"What did you see?"

But Donny just picked her up and placed her on the ground. "I need to do more research." He patted her head and handed her the chocolate bar. He walked into his room with his notes.

Turtle looked at the chocolate, shook her head, and headed back to the couch. Miky had taken residence there to watch cartoons.

"Hey Mike." She climbed on the couch and sat next to him.

"Sup Turtle-ette!" He said holding out his hand for a "three-to-five." It was basically like a high five, but seeing as turtle had five fingers and her brothers had three, they called it a "three-to-five" whenever turtle was involved. When the thees and fives were over with, Turtle was still wondering about Donny.

"Why so glum lil chum?" Mikey asked wrapping his arm arount Turtle and scooting her closer to him. She didn't want to invade Donny's privacy by getting the other brothers involved, so she just made something up.

"Well I've got all this chocolate and no one to share it with!" She smiled at Mikey, who grinned back.

"Well I'd be more than happy to oblige!" They split the chocolate in half and Mikey ate his half in three chomps and licked his fingers. He was a mess! "Any time you need me to do a favor, I'm there." He goofily laughed.

T urtle was still nibbling her chocolate and looked at Mikey again, who's face was a chocolate mess. So she followed his lead and ate her chocolate in 5 big bites (her mouth isn't nearly as big) and licked her fingers too.

Mikey laughed. "Well done lil pupil! You have mastered the art of eating junk food and making a mess!"

"MIKEY! What the SHELL are you teaching that kid?"

"Oooo extra points for making Raph mad."

"I'll give you extra points-through your head!"

Mikey made great haste to jump over the couch and run for his life laughing. Raph was about to follow when Turtle spoke up.

"I learned the art of junk food eating." She said with a grin. Raph facepalmed and shook his head.

"If master Splinter sees you like this we'd all get the short end of the stick-against the sides of our faces. C'mere."

Raph picked her up. "Better wash you up before he comes home."

Turtle smiled mischeviously and gave her brother a big chocolaty kiss on the cheek.

Raph's eyes widened and he looked at Turtle.

"You..did NOT just do that."

Turtle tried to hold her laugh in. "I wuz just spweadn the love."

"Alright, I see how it is!" But before Raphiael could do anything, Turtle slid out from under his arm and ran!

"What the-why you-"

"RUN TURTLE RUN!" Mikey shouted.


But then someone grabbed her by the back of the shirt and Mikey and Raph stopped in their tracks. It was Splinter.

"Michaelangelo! Why is your sister covered in chocolate, and why are you as well?"


Splinter sighed and handed Turtle to Raphael.

"Make sure she is washed and dressed. I intend to take her out tonight."

"Yes master Splinter."

Turtle was excited! She had never been on the surface before and wondered what it was like.

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