Chapter 7

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Day 3

Turtle entered splinter's room and looked around. She had been asked to come in there earlier, and she wasn't sure why. Was she in trouble? Was she about to get punished?

Today her hair was up in a simple pony tail, held up by a purple cloth tied into a bow. It matched the purple shirt under her overalls.

She noticed Splinter meditating, a single candle in front of him. Maybe she should leave, she didn't want to bother him while he was meditating.

She started to leave the room.

"Come here Turtle."

Turtle stopped and turned around. He hadn't flinched or opened his eyes. She walked up to him cautiously, and when she was right in front of him she stood there with her hands behind her back.

"Am I in trouble?"

Splinter smiled and opened his eyes. "No daughter."

Turtle breathed a sigh of relief and hugged splinter "Don't scare me like that dad!"

Splinter chuckled and pulled her down into his lap.

"Is there something wrong you did that should be in trouble for?"

"Ummmmmmmm define wrong."

With that, Don came into the room holding some papers. "Master Splinter, I hope I'm not troubling you."

"Not at all Donetello...but where is your mask my son?"

Turtle couldn't help but let out a giggle.

Splinter looked down at the child and lifted up her chin.

"Give it back."

Turtle reached up and took the bow out of her hair that was actually Don's mask and held it up to him.

"Here Donny."

Don took the mask and put it back on with a smile.

"All in good play right?"

"My son, what did you wish to say."

"Oh right, well you see, over the past few years, I've been studying my sister, and I think I may have found something interesting.

"Interesting? About me?"

"Oh um...maybe we should talk in private."

"No, this concerns your sister too, besides, I made tea."

Splinter poured hot tea into 3 cups, and set a plate of cookies in front of turtle.

"You're sister and I were going to talk and have tea together, I can't simply let good hot tea go to waste."

"...yes master." Don sat and sipped the tea and turtle munched on a cookie. "I was researching how the green ooze could create changes in the body. As we know the ooze has caused my brother's and I to mutate rapidly causing us to become what we are now, but it seemed like it had absolutely no affect on Turtle. But I've discovered that it actually has!"

He showed Splinter the papers he has.

"We just cant physically see it, she ate the ooze when she was just a baby, and i've learned that everything babies eat goes directly to the brain for development. In short..." Don looked at Turtle "She's like a genius. But the mutation didn't stop there. Small threads of it are woven all throughout her body, causing muscle and bone to be three time stronger than an ordinary child. But other than that she's just like any ordinary seven year old."

Turtle didn't like that.

"I'm not ordinary."

"She's right my son, she isn't. She is an extraordinary child."

Turtle smiled. She knew Splinter would understand.

They all turned their heads as the tv volume was turned up in the living room.


No answer

"Don't worry, I got it." Turtle ran into the living room and grabbed the remote from Mike and turned it down. "Too loud bro."

"Oops, sorry." He seemed distracted as he stared at the tv.

"What are you watching Mike?" She looked at the tv and there was a red haired lady on the news talking about the escalated crimes in New York City. She turned it up just a bit.

"...there have been very few eye witnesses to these crimes almost as if an invisible gang is robbing the city blind, some people claim that a group of young boys are behind this. In other news, some people claim to have seen something out of a movie, ninjas have been reported seen jumping from building to building, appearing from nothing and disappearing without a trace? Is this a hoax? Or are there really such things as a New York Ninja?

I'm April O'Neal, channel 9 news."

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