Chapter 8

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Day 4

Mikey knelt down to Turtle and handed her his Skateboard.

"This isn't a gift, it's a loan. I expect this to be back in the near same condition I gave it to you."

Turtle smiled. "Don't worry big bro, I won't do any over-extreeme tricks."

"Ok..good...I'm counting on you."

Turtle grinned and took the board. She left the layer and made her way through the tunnels. She made her way up a ladder and pushed on the man-hole cover and removed it.

When she got on the surface, she closed her eyes and let the cold air hit her face. It felt good. She kicked the man hole cover back in place and walked out of the ally way. She had picked a good spot, for she found herself at the top of a hill.

She didn't waste any time to jump on the board and start skating down the sidewalk, but without warning this guy came out of nowhere and she ran full speed into him!



They both toppled down the sidewalk and the man landed on his back and Turtle landed on top of him.

"OOF hey what the big deal ki- OOW!" The skateboard landed on his head.

"Oh-oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" Turtle jumped off the man and grabbed her skateboard.

"You came out of nowhere yourself young lady." He stood up, and upon a closer look, Turtle saw that he was wearing a hockey mask on his head and had an array of sports equipment on him.

"Are you an athlete?"

"Wha- nono. I just cary this stuff around for protection...speaking of protection, what's a small thing like you doing skateboarding without a helmet?"

"Helmet? My brother's don't wear helmets when they skate."

"Well, that's because boys have hard heads." He knocked his head a few times with the hockey stick. "Girls on the other hand, they're heads ain't as hard right? So they need some head gear, because we don't wanna see you're pretty little head crack open, and see your pretty little brains, splatter all over the pretty pavement."

"I-i-i..." Turtle almost felt sick at the thought.

"Not to mention, I'm pretty sure you're family wants you home unharmed and, y'know alive."

"Y-yea I never really thought about.."

With that, the man pulled something out of his bag of weapons. It was a black helmet.

"Do me and you're family a favor and put this on."

He tossed it to Turtle and she looked at it.

"When you put it on, be sure to not have it too tight or too loose, K?"

Turtle smiled and put the helmet on.

"Thanks um..."

"Casey." He put a hand on her head. "and you are?"




"Is it...a nickname?"

"No, it's my name."

"Oh...well met." He smiled widely.

Turtle knew she'd found a good friend.

"I wish you could meet my brothers."

"Ah, actually I have somewhere to be, but maybe one day."

And with that, he put on his mask and climbed to the roof of a building. Turtle watched for a moment, but then she hopped back on the skateboard and started looking for the nearest manhole.

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