Chapter 14

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Loud music, arcade games, an indoor skate-park! This was every kid's dream! Well, almost every kid...

A twelve year old girl about Turtle's size walked into the bathroom. She had on a VERY short shirt and VERY short shorts. Both black. She was throwing up in the toilet from drinking too much beer. She looked miserable, and in pain. Her face was pale her eyes were bloodshot, and she was crying.

Turtle came up behind the girl and rubbed her back. And the girl looked up at her.

"Wh-who are you?" she said in a rough voice.

"A friend." Turtle said kindly. "Are you alright?"

" stomach..and chest...and sides...everything hurts so bad!" She threw up in the toilet again, making Turtle wince.

"I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"For this."

Turtle touched a pressure point making the girl pass out immediately. She closed the bathroom stall behind her.

-5 min later-

Turtle came out of the stall wearing the girl's clothes. It seemed so...wrong! She hated the skimpy look, but she needed to be in disguise. He hair was done back messily with only her mask to hold it in place. After washing herself all over with the bathroom soap. Turtle went out to the other kids.

It was horrible, everyone was smoking and drinking and doing unspeakable things. But Turtle wasn't thinking too much on those things. She needed to find her weapon! She looked around wondering where her weapon could be...! She realized she could just click her wrists together and it would come to her! But she refrained from doing so. Before she left, she needed to know where her brothers were.

She felt a tear start to form in her eye. She missed them, and wished they were here.

She walked around to see if she could get some clue. Something that would aid her.

"...April O'Neal.."

It was so quick and feint that she almost missed it. Turtle's ears perked up. They wouldn't be at the lair because the Foot knows their location...maybe they're at O'neal's house.. She turned around and saw a red haired boy, much older than she was no doubt.

She listened to him talk, and confirmed it was his voice that said that. She walked up to him.

"...she's just so weird y'know? She lives on top of this antique shop."

"Who?" Turtle said casually.

"April O'Neal."

"The news lady?"

"Yea, why?"

"Does she keep the antique shop open? I've got a thing for antiques. Consider it a hobby."

"Kind of a weird hobby...but hey whatever you're into." The boy wrote down the address and gave it to Turtle. "She's a nice lady, she doesn't always keep it open, but if you ask maybe she'll sell something to you."

"Awesome, thanks um.."

"Danny. And you are?"

"Tu-*Coughcough* Tia, my name's Tia."

"Alright Tia, no problem..."

Turtle nodded and walked off. Now she needed to find her weapon, and the way out..

"Alright man, I'm leaving."

"Alright bro, see you later huh?"

"Yea man."

Turtle followed the boy leaving, not too close, but close enough to where he could keep up.

At last, they exited the building! The cool air against her face felt amazing! She saw the boy walk to the fence and crawl under it. She waited a minuet, and did the same.

She clicked her wrist cuffs together and waited... She waited for five minuets...

Then, she heard a crash as she saw he weapon racing to her through a two story window!

She jumped up, grabbed it, and ran with all her speed! She ran and ran for fear that they may be behind her! Running and running! She looked at the paper Danny gave her. He had no idea where this place was...

She was going to have to take matters into her own hands though, and figure out a way to get there. She looked at a large clock on a bank. It was about two in the morning. She was exhausted, but she had to keep going...

She approached a man hole and popped of the cover with ease, for she was pumped with adrenaline. She entered the tunnels and ran through them. She stopped and gathered her surroundings. She may be lost above ground. But she was raised in these tunnels. She could walk them blindfolded! It took a while, but she found the lair at last! The door was kicked in, and the place was in ruins, as expected. She went in and started taking what she could. She found her Super Luigi backpack and put a few things in it like money and clothes. Then she changed out of the skimpy clothes she was wearing and put on her comfortable black tee and black pants once again.

She looked at herself in the mirror with her backpack on..she took the mask out of her hair, and put it on her face.

"Go time." She took the weapon off of her back and spun it around a few times before hitting it on the ground, then she put it back on her back and ran through the tunnels. When she reached the surface again, she flagged down a taxi.

To her surprise, the cab stopped. She climbed in and shut the door.

"A little early for Halloween isn't it kid?"

Turtle didn't respond, she knew he was referring to her mask. She handed him the paper with the address on it with fifty dollars.

"If you get me to this address, I'll give you another fifty when we get there."

The driver laughed.

"Yes ma'am."

He started to drive and Turtle sat back and tried to enjoy the ride. But she found she would not relax until she saw her brothers.

"So what's a Tyke like you doing out here this late?"

"A family emergency. My brothers are going to meet me at the antique shop." (she hoped)

It was actually a very short drive, but Turtle didn't care. She gave the rest of the money to the driver and ran into the building! She went up the stairs and pounded on the door.


The door opened and Turtle came face to face with April!

"i'd never thought I'd say this, but boy am I glad to see you!"

"TURTLE!" She heard Mikey call from inside.

"MIKEY! GUYS!" She ran in and was embraced by her four brothers! Donny picked her up while the other four gathered around to ask her what happened and how she found them and everything else that's happened.

But Turtle got all teary eyed and said.

"I missed you all so much..I'm sorry...I had to leave dad behind..."

And she finally blacked out from exhaustion.

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