Chapter 6

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Day 1

Turtle sat on the couch grinning ear-to-ear. One, because she was going to finally get her own weapon, and two, well, listen for yourself.

"No! No no no no no!"

"Raph if you'd just hear me out!"

"Donny i've hears enough and for a genius that is the STUPIDEST thing to ever come out of your mouth!"

"Don," Leo said "She is only seven."

"So wait, she's been doing what with my skateboard?"

"Guys, think about it, she has the mind of a 17 year old but the fragile body of a seven year old, she needs something to defend herself with!"

"Thats why she's got us, right?" Raph then followed this comment flexing his arm muscles. "Aint nothin gonna hurt my baby sis!"

"Shes been sneaking out..."

"Yea thanks Mike! She gets out on her own a lot."

"With my board.."

"That's not an excuse Don."

"My poor skateboard.."

"Actually Raph, Don's right, maybe its time we tought her how to defend herself.."

"It could've been scratched or stolen.."

"Hmmmph...fine FINE whatever Don!" He pinches the punching bag next to him.

"I'll never let you out of my sight again."

"Donny, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Does nobody care about my skateboard?"




Day 2

Turtle walked past Don's room just in time to be pushed back in there by Don himself.

"Woa big bro! What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." He said casually closing the door. "Nothing at all."

Turtle knew something was up, but making a break for it was probably futile.

"Donny bro, can I you with something? Because I've got Mario on pause and if I don't get back I'm gonna loose the controller to Mikey."

"Well since your so nice to ask, I actually do need help with something. You see, the weapon I'm making."


"It's got to be connected with you in more ways than one."


"Which means I need you're D.N.A."


But then Don pulled out a needle with an "I'm sorry." Look. "Hold still?"

"...nooooooooooooooooope" And Turtle tried to open the door but it was bolted shut!

"I only need a little bit Turtle!"

"I don't care you arent sticking that thing in me!"


"Donny!" She said mockingly

"Alright howabout a giant Hershy's bar?

"You're gonna have to do better than that!"

"Turtle you're getting a weapon after i'm done making it, but I need you're blood to make it!"

Turtle thought about that.

"You promise it's just a little?"

"I cross my heart."


Turtle sat on Don's bed, and held out her arm. She closed her eyes and felt the sharp pinch of the needle. She felt the pain longer than she thought necessary, then she felt Don wrap a bandage around her arm.

"all done."

Turtle opened her eyes to see Don put a very big vial of blood in some incubator thing.


She jumped at Donny as soon as he turned around! It didn't knock him down, but it caught him by surprise. She managed to jump on his back and put him in a headlock. But Don just reached back and poked poor Turtle's side causing her to squeak and let go. He felt a tug on his mask, a final attempt to pull herself up, but he caught her to prevent her from falling.

"You know, you almost had me there." He smiled at her.

She grinned back and mock punched him in the face then put her hand in her pocket.

"well..." She unlocked the door and slowly stepped out "...bye Donny!" She suddenly darted off without warning.

"huh.." Donny pondered "wonder what that was about." He felt an itch on the side of his fac, and when he scratched it, he couldnt help but laugh as he realized something. Turtle, the crafty sneak, stole his mask.

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