Chapter 18

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Turtle's ears rang and her head hurt. She heard the voices of everyone around her! She was aware that she was buried under many layers of what was once the roof of the antique store.

Mustering up streingth, she pushed the roof pieces off of her and coughed trying to clear the dust from her throat. She saw April dragging Raph out of the debris, Turtle helped her out.

"Everyone ok?" Leo called out.

"Yea! Raph and April are too!"

"Yea bro." Don called.

"Yea." Mikey said rubbing his poor head.


Everyone turned around and groaned. The foot ninja were all standing there, ready to pulverize us. What seemed to be their leader, extended his hand, and gave a signal for the ninja to attack them!

The fight raged on once more. Turtle took down quite a few ninjas defending April and Raph.

"We could really use Raph right about now!"

They were being outnumbered! There were just far too many of them.

Leo ran up t check on Turtle. "Are you Ok?"

"Yea bro, but I think it may be best if we retreat!"

They took out three ninjas that gathered around them to fight.

"I couldn't agree more, but there's so many of them! We might not be able to get past them!"

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded! Someone kicked in the door and light flooded the room!

There was a man standing at the door, long hair, a hockey mask, and an array of sports equipment!

"Anyone wanna tell me hurt my little green friend over there." He said gesturing to Raph.

"Who's this guy?" Donny shouted.

"Casey!" Turtle shouted with disbelief.

"Turtle? Huh, it's a small world after all. So now you guys are hurting cute little girls too? Tsk Tsk, for shame." With that, he pulled out two hockey sticks, and the fight began once more!

One of the ninjas buried an ax into a wire, causing sparks to jump, and causing a fire!

The fire spread quickly! Soon the shop was engulfed with flames!

"WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" Mikey shouted.

"I think there's a trap door leading to the basement!" Said April.

"Where?" Donny asked.

"Over there!"

Donny went to where april pointed and opened the trap door. "C'mon! Lets get outta here!"

Donny helped Turtle and April get Raph through the door, followed by Mikey. Leo came up next.

"Go Don I got it" Donny nodded and went through. "You commin?" Leo called to Casey.

"I'll cover you!"

"...good idea."

So Leo went through, and pretty soon Casey followed.

They hurried out of the burning building and into April's van. They hauled shell out of there as quick as they could. Turtle looked back at the burning building as they raced away from it. She then looked at April, who stared at the fire with tears in her eyes. She had just lost everything she knew.

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