Chapter 21

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Turtle was outside once more, this time, training to better her skills.

There was a scarecrow that the boys had dressed up to look like an "Intimidating" ninja.

But when Turtle first saw it, she couldn't stop laughing because Mikey had drawn the face on it.

You could imagine it looked anything BUT intimidating.

Turtle practiced and trained until she almost passed out from heat exhaustion. She collapsed to the ground, trying to catch her breath, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see April with a glass of water.

"Ah-" She took it and drank it down. "Thanks April."

"No problem.. why are you wearing yourself out out here?"

"Just...getting some stuff off my mind."

"I bet...why don't you come inside?"

"No thanks. I'm fine out here." Turtle got up and spun her weapon in the air, and swung it at the scarecrow, only for it to be stopped mid-swing by Donny!

"It wasn't a request... come inside Turtle, we don't want you out here pushing yourself to exhaustion."

Turtle didn't move or say anything, so Donny picked her up and carried her inside.

"I'm tired.." Turtle said suddenly.

"I bet. Sounds like you need a nap."

"A nap? What am I two?"

"No...but you are seven, or have you forgotten."

Turtle opened her mouth to respond, but then realized he was right. She HAD forgotten. She felt more like a teen rather than a little kid. It was at that moment she felt completely helpless... How did she expect to help her brothers save Splinter? She was nothing but a kid..

Donny noticed the depressed look on her face and realized he may have said the wrong thing.

"Hey, just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can't do great things." He said, laying her on the bed. "When I was your age, I stopped a hoard of bank robbers all by my self.

Turtle smiled. "You're lying."

"Am I?" He said, pulling the blanket over her and patting her head. "Get some sleep 'K"?


Donny sat in a comfy chair in the room and picked up a book and began to read.

Turtle looked at him, he seemed deeply absorbed in the book, and started humming while he was reading.

This comforted her, and she closed her eyes and drifted into a very, very deep sleep.


Turtle opened her eyes, and found herself floating. She was surrounded by a calming color of blue. She didn't really have a sense of time, and she felt very at peace. She began to feel a presence with her.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

The scenery changed to grassy land and blue skies with mountains in the background. Turtle floated down slowly till her feet touched the ground.

A small house with a straw roof appeared close by, and Turtle felt compelled to walk to it without questioning how or why. It was only when she got inside that she broke from the trance.

"Ah-where am I? How is this happening?" She felt concern for her brothers and father, she was here when she needed to be helping them find Splinter!

"Calm down child." She heard a laughing voice say. She turned around to see a young Asian man, sitting cross-legged and sipping a cup of tea. "You have nothing to fear Turtle." He smiled kindly and gestured to a mat on the floor next to him. "Come, sit. Have some tea."

"H-how do you know my name...and where am I...who are you.."

He chuckled and held up his hand. "Do not be alarmed child." He sipped his tea and smiled. "I am Hamato Yoshi, and you have entered the spirit world."

Turtle didn't know what to say...she was speechless! She couldn't believe it! She was standing face to face with Hamato Yoshi! Her Grandfather!

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