Chapter 15

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Turtle woke up in a very comfortable bed. The room was unfamiliar, but she knew where she was. She remembered everything, being kidnapped, leaving Splinter behind, escaping Shredders lair, and finding her brothers...

Her brothers!

She jumped out of the bed and walked into the living room to find her four brothers watching TV.

"Hey, look who's awake." Leo said, walking over to Turtle to pick her up. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a subway train hit me.."

"No surprise there.." Don said sympathetically. "No telling what all you went through."

"What all...did you go through?" Mikey asked.

"Its...a long story."

Turtle told her brothers everything that's happened to her since she was kidnapped.

"So you know where Splinter is!" Raph said suddenly.

"I-.." Turtle was trying hard to remember the location of the place. But her mind felt so fuzzy...

"Leave her alone Raph, the gas is probably still affecting her brain activity.." Don said petting her head "It'll wear off soon I'm sure."

"Well-...Splinter's out there somewhere! We need to go find him!"

"I know he's out there Raph, but we need to be patient." Leo put Turtle down.

Don and Mike looked at each other with concern.




"Kitchen..c'mon kiddo."

Don picked up Turtle by the arms and Mikey picked her up by the legs and they carried her into the kitchen and sat her down in a chair. Then they began raiding the kitchen for food while Raph and Leo's argument got louder.

"Sigh." Turtle laid her head on the table. "They shouldn't be fighting!"

"Just let it be." Don said while putting a cookie close to Turtle's mouth, which she nommed happily because she was starving.

"Yea, you know those two, they fight, then they kiss and make up."

Turtle giggled at Mike's comment. "Ew Mike."

The argument reached a peak of loudness and Raph stormed out. Leo entered the kitchen and looked at Turtle, who looked saddened.

"Ah don't worry." Leo ruffled her hair. "He'll be back before you know it...want me to bake you a frozen pizza?"

"YES!" Turtle blushed at her loud outburst.

"Geez, poor kid must be starved."

Turtle's stomach growled loudly in response.

"I haven't eaten since I was kidnapped."

"Well then!" Mikey suddenly yelled in an Italian accent. "One-a frozen pizza commin-a right up!"

Turtle smiled. Things finally felt like they were taking a step towards normal.

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