Chapter 4

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For the first time in her life, Turtle's hair was done up! It had been (painfully) brushed and done up into a pony tail. She was wearing a clean shirt and blue jeans instead of her usually ratty over-alls. Her face was clean and she was wearing new shoes. When she walked out of her room, Mikey whistled at her.

"Woa Turtle lookin snazzy! Goin' out of the town? You better not come back with a boyfriend!"

"Shut up Mikey!" Turtle ran up and jumped with the intention to grab him around the neck, but he caught her mid jump.

"Nah ah ah!" He said waving one of his fingers at her.

Turtle bit at the finger her was waving in her face.

"WOA!" Mikey pulled back to make sure his finger was still there. "Feisty!"

Turtle stuck her tongue out and raspberried at him. "PBTHBTHBTH!"

Mikey stuck out his tongue in response. "Neeeeh."


"Mmm?" Mikey looked at master splinter with his tongue still stuck out.

Splinter shook his head and face-palmed.

"Oops." Mikey kept his tongue in his mouth. "Sorry master Splinter."

"Please put your sister down, it's time for us to go."

Mikey put Turtle down and she, Splinter, Raph, Mikey, and Leo all stood at the door.

Turtle went up to Raph first and hugged him. He kneeled down and she gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he returned the kiss.

"Now you watch out for Master Splinter K Turtle? He's getting up there in age and might need some assistance." Splinter glared at him.

"Ok ." Turtle laughed abit, she knew splinter could take care of himself. Then she hugged Leo.

"Be safe Turtle. Don't run off ."

"I won't Leo."

Then she came up to Mikey, who scooped her up and gave her a raspberry on the cheek, making her squeal and laugh.

"Where's Donny?" She asked still laughing a little.

"Still in his lab." Raph said. "I don't think he'd mind you coming in there. He SHOULD have been here with us."

"No no, it's ok, I wouldn't want to disturb him."

Splinter opened the door to the layer and they made their way up to the streets of New York.



Turtle looked up at Splinter, thinking he looked rather strange in his trench coat and hat.

"Is that you under those clothes father?"

Splinter laughed and picked her up to hold her. She lifted up his hat a little to reveal some of his furry face.

"There you are!" She said smiling. "Why are you hiding under this hat?"

"People in the surface world are not used to one such as me. I am not human, and neither are your brothers. Therefore we are unwanted and must disguise ourselves for our own safety when on the surface world."

Turtle frowned. "Unwanted? Am I unwanted too?"

"You yourself are human in appearance, and therefore you don't need to cover yourself or hide your face."

Splinter took her to the top of a building, where they sat and watched the streets below. Turtle looked at the humans walking by, not even saying a simple good evening, pushing, shoving, and yelling at each other. Turtle watched them, and then looked up at splinter.

"I may look like them. But I am different from them. I don't belong on the surface world; I am as different and unwanted as you and my brothers. I belong in the tunnels below."

Splinter looked at the small girl, and smiled abit.

"I only want what's best for you. Perhaps, the surface world is not where you belong after all."

Turtle smiled and nodded and watched the people below. Splinter watched her, pondering over the conversation. Suddenly Turtle gasped!

"Father! That man is hurting that woman! We have to stop him!"


But before splinter could say anything, Turtle leapt from the building, grabbed on to a nearby lamp post from which she slid down and before reaching the bottom, swung in such a way as to spin-jump herself off the pole and land, foot first into the man's chest! The man, being winded gasped for air! Turtle, knowing she wasn't very strong, simply pinched a spot on the man's neck and knocked him out cold. And before anyone even knew what was going on, Turtle had fled into the shadows.

Master Splinter watched in awe.

"Not where you belong." He mumbled as Turtle scaled the building back up to him. "...for now.."

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