Chapter 20

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The sun rose and bathed the farm in its warm light.

Another day...another worrisome day..

Turtle just laid in the small bed, not bothering to get up.

April had said the bed once belonged to her when she was Turtle's age. It was a little too frilly for Turtle's taste, but hey, it's a bed.

She knew her brothers had to find couches to sleep on, and she insisted she would sleep downstairs with them, but her brothers were against it. They'd rather she sleep in a bed.

Turtle never felt comfortable being treated differently from her siblings, even if it meant getting a bed...

The smell of eggs and sauteed mushrooms wafted into the room, making little Turtle's stomach roar!

She quickly jumped up and ran downstairs, passing her slowly waking brothers, Mikey and Donny, on the way.

"BREAKFAST GUYS! YOU SNOOZE YOU LOOSE!" She screamed as she jumped over them and scurried into the kitchen.

She was stopped suddenly and lifted off the floor.

"Woa woa what's the hurry small stuff?" Casey said, holding her at a safe distance because she started to throw punches.

"Nya! Put me down Casey.."

"Geez breakfast ain't even ready yet, chill!"

"When you live in a home with four other boys who are older and bigger than you, then YOU come and talk to me about chilling when it comes to breakfast."

"Thats redic-"


Donny and Mikey slid into the kitchen knocking both Casey and Turtle over!

"Aw NOW look what you did Jones! I was ahead of them by a sleepy start!"

Mikey scrambled to get up from the pile, but his leg was grabbed by Don, who got up and was tripped by Turtle, who got up and was grabbed by both brothers and pinned down!

"AH- LET..ME..GO!"

"NEVER!" They both shouted!

"Guys! All of you, get up and sit at the table and BE-HAVE." April put her hands on her hips frustrated.

Turtle, Mikey, and Donny all got up and sat at the table, grumbling.

"GEEZ, you'd think they hadn't eaten in weeks." Casey gripped, sneakily reaching over to steal some of the sauteed mushrooms.

"CASEY JONES!" April shouted, smacking his hand with a wooden spoon. "Don't you DARE!"


"No buts or its yours I'll kick, now sit down at the table with everyone else and wait!"

"...Geez!" Casey sat at the table too and waited with the others.

"Where's Leo?" Turtle asked, already knowing the answer of course.

"Still in the bathroom, looking after Raph.." Donny said with a sigh.

"I'll bring him some food." April said with a kid smile.

Another day...another worrisome day...

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