Chapter 12

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Turtle skateboarded down the sidewalk. She had been too enraged to stay with her brothers at the moment. They were too busy with that O'Neal woman.

She didn't like her. She was clueless! And then they have the audacity to want to go to her house? Absurd! She wanted nothing to do with this...this...

"HUMAN!" She said so disgusted.

She entered central park and got off the board to walk. As she walked, she started to calm down and think more clearly.

Was she herself not human?

"Yes, but different.." She said out loud.

She sat under a tree.

"Maybe I'm acting like a horses end..."

Turtle felt a shadow cast over her, and she looked up.

And she saw standing above her, a young, blonde, pale, and pink clothed girl.

Turtle's nose scrunched up a bit from the heavy odor of perfume radiating off the child. She was about to say something, when the girl spoke.

"Why are you talking to yourself little girl?"

Turtle stood up.

"I'm not that little.." She said offended.

The girl looked at her as though she didn't care whether she offended the girl or not.

"I asked you a question."

"...that's my business you know."

"And so I shall make it my business too."

Turtle started to feel a wave of panic...there's something...wrong... with this girl..

"Who do you think you are?.."

The girl simply smiled.

"My name is Dolly, and I intend to be the new owner of New York."

Turtle's eyes widened and she backed away.

"Oh haha, funny."

"It's no joke. I want to paint every thing pink. And pave the roads with glitter. It will be my kingdom and you will be my loyal subject."

"You can't just snap your fingers and be ruler of a whole city! Wake up!"

"Oh?" Dolly seemed annoyed. "My Daddy already owns half of the city as is!"

"Is that so..." Turtle realized she's stumbled onto a serious issue here. "Can you...prove it?"

"I would, but the deeds are all in the hotel back home. Daddy trusted me to protect them...who are you anyway?"

Turtle smiled and bowed.

" Turtle."

"Rat's more like it, you're filthy, and you smell like vermin and sewage!"

Turtle tilted her head confused.

"I'm sorry, but what's vermin."

"Vermin is a pest, an unwanted creature, for example a rat."

"Wait what-"

"A filthy fury creature living in damp dark places such as the sewers, vile, disease carrying. Such creatures will not be allowed when I'm done with this place.






Turtle's rage overcame her! She clenched her fist and nailed Dolly right in her left cheek! Knocking her on the ground! It left a bruise on her face immediately!


She was cut off short because she noticed a lot of big, muscular, and rather ugly men heading toward her! Dolly's body guards no doubt!

Turtle grabbed her board and headed for the nearest manhole.

"I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" She heard Dolly shout at her.

Turtle left those body guards in the dust!

When she got home she saw Splinter sitting on the couch. She noticed her brothers weren't home yet.

Turtle set the board down and ran up and hugged Splinter, crying.

"What ails you daughter?" Splinter asked, petting her head.

"i've had a rough day father...i learned the word vermin today, and I punched a crazy rich girl for saying rats were vermin..."

Splinter sighed and rubbed Turtle's back. "Violence is not the answer to everything my child.."

"I know've told me before...but sometimes I just can't help it.."

"I know Turtle..but violence will only lead to more time, try killing them with kindness."

Turtle laughed a little.

"Yes Father."


What looked to be a grenade was thrown into the layer!


Splinter grabbed Turtle and carried her to the far side of the room! The "Bomb" exploded, and splinter fell, trying to shield Turtle from the blast!

A weird gas filled the room, and both Turtle and Splinter felt their bodies go limp. Turtle felt her vision Blur...

The last thing she saw before blacking out...

Was a tall figure, which seemed to gleam with several blades around his body, being followed by tall, black shadows...

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