Chapter 17

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The fight began! Ninjas were everywhere! Attacking from all sides! Turtle had to team up with her brothers to try to defeat them all!

"Geez and I thought insurance salesmen were pushy!" Mikey shouted as he took out three ninja at once!

"Guys!" Turtle shouted, defending herself against the many ninja trying to crowd up on her. "These are the dudes that trashed our lair and kidnapped me and dad!" She used her weapon like a pole-vault and lifted herself up of the ground, and spun in the air with her weapon extended, knocking out a circle of ninja around her, than landed with precision! "WHO'S NEXT?"

"You guys heard our sis!" Leo said grabbing a ninja and banging it against the wall, "They know where Splinter is, so don't knock 'em all out!"

"I don't think that'll be a problem Leo!" Don yelled as he was being dragged into the kitchen by a group of ninja!

"Donny!" Turtle tried to run into the kitchen to help, but she was blocked by a group of three ninja. "Outta my way!" She tried to fight past them as best she could. She was winning too, until a fourth ninja came out of nowhere and hit her so hard that she was knocked against the wall!

"TURTLE!" She heard Mikey shout! It was the first time Turtle had been hit in a fight, and she was hit very hard. It hurt alot, but she didn't yell. She wasn't about to show weakness to these dishonorable ones. She opened her eyes just in time to see Mikey wailing on the four ninja that had hurt her. Within seconds they were knocked out! He hurried over to help her up. "Did they hurt you?"

"Yea." Turtle said wiping some blood from her face. "But they'll pay for it."

Mikey Turned to the ninja aproaching him and his sister, teeth barred. "You bet your life they will! HURT MY SIS AGAIN AN I"LL SHOVE THESE NUNCHUCKS UP YOUR-"

"Axes!" Turtle pointed to a group of ninja receiving battle axes!

"Oh great!" Donny yelled dodging an ax!

"Gah-Turtle! Stay with April, watch over Raph!"

"But Mike-"

"JUST DO IT!" Mikey looked at Turtle for the first time with a serious expression.

Turtle's eyes widened, she nodded, and ran to where the knocked out Raph and worried April were to shield them from any attacks. "Is he alive?"

"Yes." April said holding Raph. "Barely though!"

A wave of panic went through Turtle, she didn't know what she would do if she lost one of her brothers!

Ninja's were hammering axes into the floor as turtles dodged them!

Suddenly, everyone paused as they heard a very, VERY loud groan coming from the house.

In a split second, the floor gave away! And everone screamed as they dropped to the floor below!

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