Chapter 22

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"G-grandfather Yoshi?... But you're..."

"Yes, as I said before, you have entered the spirit world."

"Does that mean I'm.."

"No, no of course not!" He said with a smile.

"Oh.." Turtle breathed a sigh of relief and sat on one of the mats. Yoshi poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her.


Turtle took the cup and sipped the tea. It was the most flavorful, soothing, wonderful tea she had ever had!

"Mmm! This tea is amazing!"

"Yes, everything in the world of the living is much better here."

She took another sip, then set the tea down.

"Grandfather, if I'm not dead, then how am I here?"

"It is possible for one's soul to leave one's body when in a deep meditative state, such as sleeping for instance."


"But with patience and practice," Said a familiar voice. "It is possible to learn how to leave your body at will."

Turtle turned to see none other than Splinter walk into the little house!


She ran up and tackle-hugged him, knocking him to the ground.

"AH- Turtle." He laughed embracing her. "It is good to see you too, my child."

"I missed you so much, we all miss you!" She felt tears run down her face. "You aren't...dead..are you?"

"No...I am still being held against my will by the Shredder..."

Turtle hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you're alive...we want to save you, were trying to figure out how.."

"It will be alright Turtle...I will be with all my children again soon...tell are your brothers?"

Turtle looked at him sadly. "Raphael is near death..I'm so worried about him.."

Splinter looked sad, then turned to Yoshi, who smiled and nodded.

"Do not worry." Yoshi said with a kind, reassuring smile. "Raphael will be alright."

Turtle nodded. "I-i hope so..."

Splinter then hugged Turtle and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "We must part now child, we will see each-other again soon."

Tears streamed down Turtle's face. "No...please don't go.."

"I must."

Yoshi got up and hugged Turtle too.

"I'm glad we finally got to see each other."

Turtle slowly began to feel the world fade away. She was in the blue realm again, and it slowly faded to black. She heard the voices of her father and grandfather.

"Never forget who you are, though you are small, you are meant for great things..."


Turtle woke up, her face was wet with tears..

"Morning squirt."

Turtle gasped and looked up, she knew that voice!

"RAPHAEL!" She jumped up and embraced her brother, crying tears of joy!

Yoshi and Splinter were right, everything was gonna be Ok..

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