Chapter 23

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Turtle walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She pulled down her shirt collar just below her collar bone and stared at something with a worried expression.


Turtle let go of her shirt and turned around, red-faced. She looked up to see Casey.

"Aw Casey! You scared me!"

"Geez sorry." He laughed abit. "I just wanted to tell you that Leo said he and your brothers, they're goin' out to the field to test your spirit world theory you told him and he might not be back for a while, 'k?"

"Oh...alright, cool." Turtle sighed and headed out of the bathroom.

"Hey Turtle."

She turned around and was picked up by Casey and carried into the kitchen.

"To pass the time, why don't you tell me how you..yknow, ended up as their sister."

"Hmm?" Nobody had asked Turtle this question before.

"Well." Casey stuttered nervously. "You DO know that you're a human and not a turtle...or a rat."

"Of course I do." Turtle laughed.

"Oh." Casey sighed. "Good, good, OK, alright soo..."

"Well, my dad told me when I was born, my real parents were not responsible to take care of me. So he took me in instead where I was raised by a loving family." She smiled. "And I was very happy."

"Well..OK...where did you learn all those crazy mad ninja skills? I know they didn't put you through extreme ninja training."

"You're very right, they didn't train me. I sparred with Mikey once but he cheated." Turtle laughed remembering the moment. "Do you remember if my brothers told you how they came to be?"

"Uh, yea. Ooze right?"

"I ate it."

"You WHAT?"

"I ate the ooze when I was one and developed superior muscle and memory."

"Oh...yea that makes sense...I think."

Turtle giggled at him.

"Ah, shadap." He joked, messing up her hair. "So why didn't you turn into a little mutant turtle then?"

"Believe me Casey Jones." Turtle said with a distant glance. "I',m a lot more turtle than you think I am.."

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