Chapter 11

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Turtle stood across the room from Mike. She tried to show a look of boredom, a pokerface. But in all reality she was excited beyond belief. She had trained with her weapon a few days, and now Mike said he'd train with her.

Mike drew his weapons.

"Wait Mike!"

Mikey stopped.

"What's wrong Turtle-ette? Not getting cold feet are ya?"

"Nah" She grinned and hit the play button to the radio and some epic classical music began to play. "Just needed to set the mood."

Turtle assumed a fighting position. He weapon was still on her back, but she had her hand on it, ready for combat.

Mikey made the first move and ran head on at our Turtle!

Turtle waited, emotionless, until Mike was almost upon her!

She suddenly let go of her weapon and ducked down, putting all her energy into her legs, and sprung from the ground, fist clinched!

She hit Mike square in the chin at full force!


Before Mikey could even finish uttering his cry of pain, Turtle retrieved her weapon from her back, and dragged it under Mikey's already unbalanced feet.


Mike fell over and onto his back! Turtle then proceeded, without hesitation, to leap into the air to deliver the final blow!

Her feet landed on his stomach/shell and she brought her weapon down upon him and stopped-right before it made contact with his face.

She grinned at Mike, who grinned back.

Then without warning, Mike wrapped his nun-chucks around the poor girl's weapon, and ripped it from her grasp, flinging it into the distance!

Turtle stared wide eyed at her empty hands...

"Oh no..."

She flipped backwards off of Mike, and presented her fists.

Mike jumped up, weapons in hand, and with an evil grin..slowly...advanced..toward his sister.

Turtle had a brave look on her face, fists still in front of her. She tried to hold her own, but slowly started to back away.

"This isn't fair big brother!"

"Who said training was fair?"

"It's not training anymore! I beat you, now your just picking on me!"

Turtle felt herself make connection with a wall. She was in deep now.


was she?

Suddenly, her face went from a look of brave fear to a look of amusement.

A knowing grin spread across her face. And her green eyes glinted with mischief.

And this scared Mike. But he wouldn't show it.

"What're you grinning at?"


With that, she clicked her wrist cuffs together, which made a beeping sound, and the patterns on them glowed brightly.

She held out her hand expectedly. Mikey tilted his head wondering what she was doing.

he got his answer less than a second later, when her weapon slid across the floor and under Mike's feet, knocking him down again!

Turtle grabbed her weapon and resumed fighting stance once again with a half grin on her face. "Shall we dance again?"

Mike rolled over on his front and looked at her with mock upset.

"if anything's unfair, it's that dumb customized weapon. I mean, c'mon. I cant summon my weapons to my hand like the mighty Thor."

Turtle laughed and put her weapon away. "Well maybe Don will make you one too huh?"

"Nah, I like my little chuckies."

Turtle smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Little chuckies? Really Mikey?"

She walked up to him.

"Yea really, you got aaaaaa PROBLEM?"

Suddenly Mikey rolled over, sweeping his feet under Turtle in the process! Turtle screamed and fell on top of Mike, who wrapped one arm around her, and gave her a noogie with his other hand!

"GAH!" Turtle kicked and squirmed to no avail! "MIKEEEEY!"

Mikey laughed.

"It's what you get for letting your guard down sis."

Mike let her go and she face-palmed him in return with a smile. She enjoyed this time with her brother, even though noogies were inevitable.

Suddenly, they both turned their heads as Raph walked in. He wasn't alone either. He was carrying a red haired woman who looked very familiar.

"Raph!" Turtle shouted suprised. "Is that April O'Neal?"

"Maybe." He set her on the couch.

"Dude, Splinter's gonna have a huge problem with this!"

"A huge problem indeed!"

Splinter walked out into the living room. All four Turtles were gathered around this O'Neal woman.

"Can we keep her?" Mike said.

Turtle didn't like this one bit. Another human being in the layer. And a girl at that!

Look at them, she thought.

Gathered around her.

April O'Neal

What's the big deal?

So she's another human!


They're giving her so much attention.

But why did she care?

Turtle never felt this way before.

She tried to analyze the feeling, compute it, put it together.


Turtle was experiencing jealousy. For the first time.

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