Chapter 19

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It was a quiet night... A light breeze blew through the farm, the air had a smell to it that was different from the big city. It smelled...lighter, easier to breath.

It felt very different, but Turtle enjoyed it all the same.

As she laid in the grass under the many, many stars, her mind flashed back to early that morning.

They arrived to the farm just as the sun was peaking over the hills. The night before had been an exhausting one. It was bad enough they had lost their battle with the Foot ninjas. Unfortunately, in addition to that, her big brother Raphael's life was hanging by a thread. The Ninjas had all fought him when he was separated from his siblings. If only they had been there...her brother might not be nearing death.

Turtle felt a tear run down her cheek. She risked losing both Splinter and Raphael too... She felt helpless. She knows Raphael is being well looked after. They have him in a tub in the bathroom, slightly filled with water. Leo is next to him every second.

She went in there a few times to check on them, giving Leo hugs, and talking to Raph...hoping he could hear her.

Her mind went back to that afternoon, where she had hugged the unconscious Raphael, and spoke to him.

"Don't worry big bro...You'll make it through this..I know you will... You could survive a subway train hitting you and heal up a day later 'cause of how strong you are...You just gotta make it Raph.." Turtle said, voice cracking, and tears running down her cheek. "You just gotta...we don't know what we'd do without you..."

As Turtle's mind resurfaced from the memory, she looked back up at the night sky and watched the bright twinkly lights...

They somehow comforted little friends saying it was going to be alright...

She remembered the tale Splinter told her of her grandfather Yoshi... She wondered if he was up there somewhere, sitting on one of those twinkly lights in the sky, watching over them...

Turtle sat up and stared at the sky...

"Grandfather Yoshi? If you're up there listening, could you please watch over your grandson, Raphael? I know he can be hotheaded sometimes, and he doesn't always make the best decisions...but he's the strongest one in our family...I don't just mean physically. He's always been there for us through the hardest times... He risked his life to save your son...we all have..but he paid for it the most...I'm not expecting you to heal him..or anything like over him.. I don't know what else to do..."

Turtle felt a warm sensation of comfort wrap around her, like the spirit of Yoshi was telling her "It will be Ok."... Turtle smiled and felt tears stream from her eyes..

Just then, she heard footsteps behind her.

She turned around to see Mikey, standing there, watching her with a sad look.

"How's Raph?" She blurted out.

"Alive." He said sitting next to her.

They embraced each other in a hug, tears in their eyes, and prayers in their hearts..

"He'll be Ok Turtle...they'll both be Ok..."

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