Last chapter 26

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Casey left the lair and headed up to the surface to follow Danny, April stayed behind and was hidden on top of the many pipes which hovered over the lair, as was Donny, Mikey, Raph, Leo, and of course Turtle.

"Turtle!" Donny whispered. "Come here."

Turtle leapt to the pipe Donny was crouched on and stood next to him.

"This is a pretty major fight sis, life or death. Are you ready for this?"

"Tch. Donny," Turtle brought out her weapon and spun it a few times before assuming a fighting position. "I was BORN ready!"

"Don't get overconfident." Leo leapt over to their pipe. "Overconfidence can lead to your downfall. Be ready, believe in your strengths, but don't underestimate your enemy. Understand Turtle?"

"Yes, Leonardo."

"Turtle." Donny said. "Since this is a serious battle, I'm ready to reveal to you some of the secrets of your weapon." He took Turtle's weapon in his hands. "Place your hands on it, remember, it only works if your touching it."

Turtle did so.

"Twist your weapon."

Turtle did, and gasped when two curved scythe blades popped out of each end, turning her weapon into a double scythe!

"Whoa! That's insane bro!"

"I know. Twist it the other way."

She did so, and the scythe blades disappeared and a sword blade popped out of one end.

"A sword too?!"

"Yes, I was going to wait until you were older to tell you. But I think now is as good of a time as ever. It can separate in half too, in case you want to use separate scythes."

"Thanks big bro.." Turtle hugged Donny tightly, then leapt back to her own pipe, which Mikey took residence next to her.

"Hey Turtle-ette, you ready for this?"

"You know it Mike."

"Hey, lets make it a little more interesting, if you can knock out 20 ninjas, I'll get you into a Vanilla Ice concert."

"What? Seriously you'd get me tickets."

"Nah ah ah! I didn't say tickets, I said I'd get you in." He winked at her.

"I'll hold you to that wager bro." Everything was silent for a moment, except the sound of Raphael sharpening his twin sais. "Yo Mike." Turtle said suddenly.


"If we don't get out of this alive, there's something you and the guys should know."

"What is it?"

"Guys shh!' Leo shushed them.

They listened intently, and heard the sound of many running footsteps and several splashes. This was it! The moment of truth! The final countdown! Now or never!

Turtle readied herself for the fight to come. Louder the footsteps grew, louder, and louder!

The door was kicked in, and several foot ninjas entered the lair! They stopped, confused, there were only ten of them.

A squeaking sound was heard as Leo turned a crank on one of the pipes, releasing a thick hot steam in the room!

Turtle was about to jump down, when Mikey put a hand on her head and shook his head. All four of her brother's jumped down, and small noises were heard.

The steam cleared, and there stood four turtles, and ten knocked out ninjas.

"Boy, I sure hope there's more o' dem." Raphael said.

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