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Nellie's P.O.V

" I'll be back Luke I have to go get my phone "I said walking out his room

" okay "

I walk out Luke's room down the hallway to the elevator. I go in the elevator waiting to get to my room. Once on my floor I got to my room . I one the door to James and I room to see my side of the room look like a tornado hit in just my side .I picked up a picture of me, Talizha , and the boys . When  Michael,Luke, Calum , and Ashton before they went touring with one direction for the first time.

I picked the picture to see everyone face scratched out but me and Michael. I turned around because I felt someone looking at me.

I turned to see Jake standing in the corner smirking at me. His eyes were red his black hair was up in a quiff like Zayn and want to be Harry .

" what are you doing here? Did you do this to my room?"

" maybe I did.. Maybe I didn't" he said while get closer to me.

" get away from me Jake" I said backing away from him.

" come on babe you know you still love me".

" no I don't Jake I love somebody else that's not you"

" Come on just come with me " he grabbed my hand with burned like hell. He's hot I'm cold so it will burn like hell.

" AaaHhhh  JaKe StOP It " I yelled  .

In just 0.3 seconds Michael came braking down my door. His eyes were a dark yellow his vampire teeth showing (just two of them).

He see Jake holding my hand which made his eyes turn orange . Which Jake let me go in turned to Michael's gaze.

" so your a vampire uh?" Jake said while walking to him.

" leave my girlfriend alone Jake"

" what are you going to do about it?"

The boys got closer and closer to each other. Knowing that they both have powers they might use them in the wrong way. And Michael is new to this type of thing I still didn't know how long he had been a vampire. But Jake  was born like that but he still can't control it yet.

I see Michael was breathing harder then normally .

" Michael don't" I said right next to him .

" stay out of it Nellie" Jake spat out at me.

" how about you stay out Jake nobody told you to come here" I said back.

" I'm going to..." Jake said while getting closer to me when Michael jumped right in front of me.

" to do what? ... Beside we all know that you will never do it" Michael said in I grabbed the back of his shirt.

" you both are going to pay for this"

" your not goin to do nun"

" want to bet on it?"

Just when Jake said that the wrist he had burned me on  had started to burn again. It felt crazier than the first one . It was bad for a angel like me who can freeze stuff like me because hot + cold = a  dead angel or demon .

I fall to my knees pulling my wrist to my stomach  trying to stop the burning but it didn't work.  I looked at Jake with my crystal white eyes into his red ones. Michael soon fall next to me grabbing my wrist in his hands.

I look back up to see Jake was gone . This was the first time that he didn't hurt me so bad.

"Michael you have to go get Luke" I said while  pulling my hand back.

" why Luke?" He asked while getting up about to go get Luke.

" Luke and Louis are the only two who knows how to stop this and Lou is not here"

" I'll be back as soon as I can"

As soon as the front door closed I knew he was gone now. I didn't want him to see me like this . I was changing into one of them. Turns out that Jake put a spell on me but I didn't want Michael to know that he did. I pulled my arm out in front of me it was half way red-orange still burning like hell or more. I started to whimper in pain.

" babe I'm here with Talizha and Luke Talizha was with him so  she's a tag along " Michael said running in the door with them .

" Michael you have to wait in the main room" Luke  said pushing him out of my bedroom.

"no I have to make sure she's going to be okay" I here Michael yelling from the main room. Then Talizha started to talk to me sitting on the for next to me.

" Nellie your...eyes there your hair's dark red"  as soon she said that the front door opened and closed now I hear three boys yelling in the main room. I think it was Niall.

" HEY!!! WHat with all the yeLLing foR" Niall yelled" im trying to watch the Derby game"

"AAAAHHH LUKE !!!" I yelled at him he was taking forever.

" Niall please hold back Michael thanks" Luke said running in the room closing the door behind him.

Michael's P.O.V

Screaming was all I heard from my girlfriend . I know she was in so much pain in there was nothing I can do to help her. It's been in hour in it's still not over . I can hear Luke yelling at Talizha, Talizha yelling at Luke , an Nellie yelling at the both of them.

Things are being thrown around the room . Luke telling Talizha to hold her back after that I hear a loud sound from the room . In the two girls start screaming.


"  AAAAAAAHHHHHHH LET ME GO" Nellie yelled back.


What ever Luke did he made the screaming go down in soon stopped.

They stay in the room for a long time

Before Talizha came out walking in the kitchen .

" what happened? Is she okay?" I asked basically flying in the kitchen.

" yea she's fine she's sleeping in her bed " she said while pulling out about three ice trays pulling all the ice into three different bags.

" what are the ice for ?" I said helping her.

" Nellie burnt me and Luke pretty bad but it's all good ... And she needs ice to help her get her strength back.." She said while making her way back to the room.

" what do you mean by that?"

" well Jake put a spell on her in she started changing into one of them making her hot in not cold so she needs ice or something cold to help her"she walked in the room closing the door before I can say something else.

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