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Nellie's P.O.V

  I woke up next to Talizha in her room when I remembered what happened last next in my room. I sat up in looked at the alarm clock to see 1:34 pm . I have to be at the airport at 3:00 In land in Spain at10:00 pm . An I haven't started packing I think none of us have packed. I get up from the bed in walked out her room then going in mine closing it behind me. I pull out two black luggage's from under my bed which made me fall on my butt. In I just lay on the floor still trying to wake up. After five minutes I got up in started packing after ten minutes of packing there was a knock at my door . " its open" Michael came in with our tickets giving mine and Talizhas putting them on my bed next to one of the smaller luggage for my black suite with my makeup.

" Thanks"

" umm... So what was all the yelling for last night ? You know I'm the only one who can make you scream  " he said with a smirk.

" shut up we did it twice ... Just twice" I said while blushing.

" so then what was the yelling for?"

" umm.. Talizha scared me when I was asleep that's all" I said while putting my All Stars in the same bag as my uniform.

" oh..  Will I'm done packing do you need help ?"

" Yes can you wake up Talizha ?"

"no last time I woke her up she throw her bed at me"

" fine just put some of my rolling stone shirts in my big bag please ?" I said while opening the door.

" sure "

I walked out closing the door behind me. An walked to Talizhas room opening the door In walked in . She was wrapped up in her blankets with her feet hanging off the bed. I walked over to her in pulled the pillow from under her. "uuuhh" in she rolled over to the other side of the bed. "come on you have to pack up for we can go to Spain Talizha  or I'm leaving you"

" uuuhhh"  in rolled back over." You made me Talizha " I made my hand cold in put my hand on her face


"I told you to wake up now pack we leave in a hour"

I walked out the room closing it then opening mine. And what I saw made me tense up a little he looked confused at the pregnancy test he had in his hand it was still in the box.

" um.. Where did you get that from?" I asked while closing the door in leaning on it with my back.

" ... Uh um I was getting your rolling stone shirts at the top of your dresser in it just fail out..." He looks at me with a nerves look and he asked me the one question I never wanted to hear form him.

" Are you... Pregnant ?"

I waited awhile thinking about what he asked me .

" babe ?" He came closer an pulled me off the door.

" are you?"

"  no.. I'm not" Before I can say something else he pulled me into a hug.

" You scared me "

" I'm sorry Michael ........ Um I have to go see if Talizha got up"

" okay I'm going to put my stuff in the car"

" okay" we broke out of the hug an he open the door in walked out in I walked out after him . He walked down the stairs in I walked into Talizhas room. She was half packed with purple luggage I walked over to her bed an fail face first on the bed.

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