Chapter 1

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I stood in the middle of a field. Tall, green grass stretched around for miles. A warm, summer breeze played with my hair.

I knew it was the beginning of October, and fall would have to come, but I knew how mad Merida got when I turned her creation into what she called, "A wasteland."

Weighing the pros and cons in my head, I crouched down to the earth. Hesitantly, I touched the ground. I could feel autumn coming.

Slowly, each blade of grass began to turn yellow. It had taken 5 years for me to perfect the slow creep of fall. It wouldn't be until the end of November that the grass would be brown and shriveled. I could already feel the warm air turning cooler.

"What a waste," came a very familiar voice. I cringed as I turned. My first thought was angry red curls.

Merida had her hands on her hips, eyes squinting at me, hair dancing in the wind.

"You know how the seasons go. If you want it to stay warm, go to the equator."

"But then I have to deal with too much sun. This place was my favorite."

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Happy 30th Anniversary."

"Happy 30th."

"Still mad?"

"How can I stay mad at you?"


That made her laugh. Hand in hand, we walked through the field to where Toothless was rolling around.

"Come on bud, we've got a long flight to the North Pole. Better get started."

I had barely sat down when he was off. Sometimes I think he wants me to fall, just to see if me being a gaurdian would save me from death.

"Race you!" Merida called over the wind. I grinned. She has been working on her flight speed since I beat her all those years ago.

"Reeeeady. SeeeeeGO!" she screamed before taking off like a bullet.

"Go Toothless!"

If I were to convert how fast we were actually going into miles per hour, I think it would be around the speed of sound. And yet, I beat Merida to the North Pole by a mile.

"No...fair..." she panted. "You...aren't actually...doing any...thing!"

"Look on the bright side, last week I beat you by 3 miles. This time, it was only one!"

She made a face, but still let me take her had and lead her inside.

I'm back *****es! So, what do ya think? Not bad for my first try. More will be coming soon, don't you worry. Until then, Big Ben!


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