Chapter 26

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I'm sad to say that this is the last chapter of the book. You guys have been incredible and amazing and awesome. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing this. Stay awesome! :-)


Today was Alec and Orianna's sixth birthday, and they were practically bouncing off the walls.

Well, Orianna was flying around and smacking into everything, Alec was running head first anything in his path.

They were strange children.

Orianna had inherited Rapunzel's magical hair(which could be cut and still retain it's magicalness) and Jack's ice powers, along with the ability to fly.

Alec could talk to dragons, which was something he must have picked up around Toothless. He got my ability to control fire and Hiccup's ability to control fall stuff.

For their birthday, Rapunzel and I baked a big cake. Well, Rapunzel baked, I pretended to help.

Once we calmed them down long enough to eat the cake, they were off again. Only the promise of presents made them stop and sit down.

"Orianna first," North said.

She ripped through the wrapping paper faster then I thought possible. Orianna received more clothes, more books, and some paint supplies. When you got her to sit still long enough, she was a very good painter.

Alec went next. He received more clothes(the two of them went through clothes faster than you thought possible), a bow and arrows, and his very own dragon.

"This is a young Deadly Nadder," Hiccup explained. "It's a very big responsibility to take care of a dragon, are you sure you're up for it?"

"Yes, thank you Daddy!" Alec exclaimed, giving him a hug. He began to talk to the dragon, and soon, he was riding it bareback. They chased Orianna around and around in the air. Toothless watched them lazily, rolling his eyes occasionally and eating his fish.

"Interesting gift, a dragon," Jack said.

"You're just jealous you didn't think of an equally awesome gift," I retorted.

"You say whatever helps you sleep at night," he replied, sticking out his tongue.

"Will you two ever just get along?" Rapunzel asked.

"That's a wasted question," Hiccup said, pulling me closer.

We all watched our children play as the sun sank into the ground. The moon appeared, full and bright. It seemed to smile down at us, and we all knew that it actually was.

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