Chapter 6

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Flying was a great way to get your mind off of things. You had to concentrate on not falling out of the sky and keep moving forward.

I wasn't flying as fast as Hiccup and I usually go. The main reason was because Jack-wimp-wasn't as trained and Rapunzel would have a hard time holding on as she was riding behind Hiccup.

I sensed some cold air coming up about 30 minutes into our flight. I guessed we were somewhere over Europe.

I did not expect a full blown blizzard.

"Jack!" I yelled over the wind. I began to falter, falling a couple feet. Jack shouted something, but it was lost in the wind. Rapunzel gestured for us to land, and so we did.

"What's going on?" Hiccup asked. We looked to be in the middle of a snow covered forest.

"This isn't me," Jack replied.

"What do you mean it isn't you?" I asked, a little angry. I was the guardian of summer in the middle of a blizzard. I wasn't happy.

"I mean, I can't control this storm. I don't know what's causing it, but it's not any of my winds."

"What's that sound?" Rapunzel asked suddenly.

We all stopped talking and listened. It sounded like someone was walking towards us, and they were muttering to themselves.

"Ice. Her power had to be ice. Why couldn't it be tropical powers? White sand and sunshine..." A girl stepped through the trees. She had orange hair and blue-green eyes. She was wearing a green dress with no sleeves and a thin cloak. Her eyes widened when she saw us.

"Who are you?" she asked.

We all glanced at each other, eyes wide. No one ever had ever seen us before.

"You can see us?" Rapunzel asked. The girl knit her eyebrows together.

"Of course I can. Why wouldn't I?"

"You haven't died recently, have you?" Jack asked. I smacked his arm. "What? It's a valid question!"

"She could just be a believer! You asking stupid questions won't help our case," I said. The girl's eyes darted around, curious.

"What's your name?" Rapunzel asked. She smiled kindly and the girl relaxed a little bit. That's why we let Rapunzel do the talking.

"Anna, Princess of Arendelle." She did an awkward curtsy in her half frozen dress.

"I'm Rapunzel. This is my husband Jack, my best friend Merida, and her husband Hiccup."

The boys looked a little offended that they were only introduced as "the husbands."

"What did you mean earlier when you asked if I could see you?" Anna asked. I sighed. Here we go.

"We are guardians," Hiccup said. "I am the guardian of fall. Merida is summer, Rapunzel is spring, Jack is winter."

Being a show off, Jack made a snowflake appear. Anna's eyes went wide.

"You can control ice!" she stated.

Jack's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Really? I didn't know! Thank you Anna, I must tell everyone!" He turned to us. "I can control ice! Isn't that amazing?"

Rapunzel gave him a shove. "Don't be rude."

Anna looked at us, obviously confused. Had she never heard of sarcasm? Good lord.

"Why was it important to point out that Jack can control ice?" Hiccup asked. Sometimes, I think Jack is rubbing off on him.

"Well, I just found out that my sister can control ice and I may or may not have pushed her over and she let her powers loose. Powers I didn't know she had. And she froze Arendelle and started this blizzard and I have to find her."

I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at the others. Was she crazy?

"Oh! There's smoke over there! I could use some warmth." And with that, Anna walked off.

"Um, that was interesting," I said.

"Should we go after her?" Rapunzel asked.

Hiccup shrugged. "I don't see why not. She seems like she doesn't really know what she's doing."

"I'm surprised she didn't notice Toothless," Jack said. We all turned to see Toothless staring at us, head cocked to the side. Any normal person would have noticed a huge black dragon right away.

"Yeah, let's go help her," I said.

With that, we walked toward the smoke.

HAHA! PLOT TWIST BABY! I've seen these types of stories circulating the internets, so I decided to put in my own idea. Poor, ditsy Anna. Later Peeps!

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