Chapter 14

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We were all exhausted, even Toothless was, so we used the snow globes to get to Tooth Palace. We stepped through to be greeted by a worried Sandy. He went to get the others as we all sat on the ground.

"What's going on?" Tooth asked.

"Um," I said.

"Well," Hiccup hesitated.

"It's a really long story," Rapunzel said.

"Punzie and Mer are pregnant," Jack said bluntly.

The four guardians froze. Rapunzel elbowed Jack as Hiccup rolled his eyes and I sighed.

"Way to go Jack, you broke them," Hiccup said.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Bunny asked.

"What part of pregnant do you not understand?" I snapped. Hiccup stood up, offering me his hand. I hesitantly took it, allowing him to lead me away from the others. After making sure Toothless was okay in the stables, we went to our designated room.

Even though we basically lived at the North Pole, Tooth Palace and the Warren had rooms for us. Technically, none of us needed sleep, but we all felt better when we did.

The minute the door closed, Hiccup collapsed on the bed, head in his hands. I sat next to him, head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry Merida."

"For what?"

"For everything! It's my fault you have to go through this, and I'm such an idiot!" While Hiccup said this, he abruptly stood up, moving to the window. He ran his hands through his hair, looking as though he was going to pull it out.

I stood up to go over to him, but sat back down immediately, panting. Whenever the baby grew, it felt as though my gut was trying to detach itself from me. Although painful, it only lasted a moment, but it was a long enough moment for Hiccup to be at my side.

I looked at Hiccup and saw pain and fear and guilt and anger all at once. He moved to the door, hand on the knob.

Sometimes, I think that I can read his mind, because I often know exactly what he's going to do. This was a perfect example. I knew he was going to walk out that door and fly away on Toothless, believing that that would cause me less pain.

"Hiccup, if you walk out that door, so help me, I will shoot you in your other leg!" I shouted, standing up and drawing an arrow.

I knew that Hiccup heard the arrow, because he froze where he was. I had accidentally shot him once before, so he knew how much it hurt.

"Turn around," I commanded. He slowly did so, staring at the ground. I put my bow and arrows on the ground before launching myself into his arms.

He automatically drew me closer, but he felt stiff, distant. I forced Hiccup to look at me.

"Now you listen close to what I'm about to say. While I agree you are an idiot, it is not because I am pregnant. You are an idiot because you still trip over your fake foot despite having it for 50 years. You are an idiot for constantly trying to cut your hair by yourself and always nicking the same spot on your ear.

"You are not an idiot for me being pregnant. You didn't know, I didn't know, even Manny didn't know! None of this is your fault, at all."

I grabbed hid hand and put it on my now bigger stomach.

"This is going to be our child! We are going to have a son or a daughter, and we should be celebrating that, not calling ourselves idiots and threatening to shoot each other. You are my husband, and you made a vow to stick with me for better or for worse. You do not get to walk away at this moment."

Hiccup pulled me in for a tight hug, burying his face in my hair like he always does. I almost started crying, apparently moved by my own speech.

We both changed into our pjs, my now very loose night gown and his knee length shorts before collapsing on the bed, arms wrapped tight around each other.

I am publishing this at 2:15am, and I have no idea what I just wrote. Please don't hate me if it sucks. I hope your summer nights aren't as long as mine. Laterz

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