Chapter 5

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I apologize for not updating. I have been at the mercy of writers block. I'm sorry again. *small voice* Please don't kill me.


I was in the stables taking care of Toothless when Merida came running in. Her hair was crazy, as usual, but her eyes were panic stricken.

"Globe. Decay. North." I put my hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

"Start from the beginning. What happened?"

She swallowed. "North was looking at the Globe when it just started to decay. All the lights are still on, but the Globe is in pieces."

"Let's get the other two and then go to the Globe Room."

Merida conjured up a portal and we stepped through, bracing ourselves for whatever lovey dovey stuff Rapunzel and Jack were in the midst of.

Thankfully they were just kissing.

"Guys! Something happened to the Globe. Come on!" I said. They followed us back to the Globe Room.

Decay was the closest word that described the disaster we came upon.

The Globe was brown and withered, leather looking. The North and South pole were still attached, and the few lights there were still glowing.

The rest of the Globe looked as though it had caved in on itself. The pieces were bent and crumpled and leather looking, but the lights were still there.

"What happened?" Rapunzel asked.

North was looking up at it, stunned. Tooth was hovering nearby, talking fast to her helpers. Bunny was twirling his boomerang so fast, it looked like it would fly off any second. Sandy was staring at the wreckage, puzzled.

"We were going about our business when the Globe caved in," Bunny explained. "No warning or anything that could have triggered it. Just happened."

It vaguely reminded me of the disaster I had created years ago when Rapunzel and Jack had been taken by the Necromancer. I grabbed Merida's hand, looking for reassurance. She squeezed it once.

"What can we do?" Merida asked.

"Nothing," North said. He turned to face us. "We can't do anything. There's no note or sign that could help us. We must continue with our jobs and keep an eye out for anything like this."

I glanced at the others. We all came to an unspoken agreement to meet back in the stables.

I rubbed Toothless' head. He knew something was wrong, he needed reassurance. I did my best to give it to him while I listened to the others.

"What do we do?" Jack asked. Merida glared at him.

"Didn't you hear North? We can't do anything."

"Yeah, I know, I heard him, but we can't honestly just go around like everything is normal. There has to be something we can do."

Rapunzel lightly touched Jack's arm. "Maybe for now we should head out, like we used to. We will continue to argue if we stay here."

I nodded. "So Toothless, up for flying?" He growled a little bit, and it sounded like he had said yes. This made everyone laugh.

Within a minute, we were off into the wind.

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