Chapter 21

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I should probably remind you guys that 50 years has passed since they died and became guardians. Just a reminder.


We decided ahead of time that we would go see my dad first.

I had very mixed feelings about this. The last time we had talked, I had yelled and he had yelled and I had blown up a dragon.

We found ourselves in the middle of my village. It was a gray day. I wasn't all that surprised to hear a scream.

A woman that looked like a middle aged version of Astrid stood in front of us. She was braced against the well, hand over her mouth.

"Hi Astrid. Do you know where my dad is?" I asked.

She raised a shaky hand and pointed to my old house.

"Thanks!" I said, putting my arm around Merida and steering her in the right direction.

"What was that?" she asked after a little bit.

"What was what?" I asked.

Merida shook her head, a small smile on her lips. I waved hello to a few more vikings, feeling particularly good when Snotlout fell backwards into a cart.

We finally reached my house. I hesitantly raised my hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" came a gruff voice. I slowly opened the door, thinking that this was a very bad idea.

A man slouched in a chair in front of the fire. I could tell that the once red hair was now grey. I slowly walked forward, Merida following.

"Dad?" I asked softly. The man suddenly sat up a little. I continued forward. I finally stopped in front of him.

My once tall and proud father was slouched in defeat. His mustache was grey and thin. Wrinkles covered his face. His eyes were sad and tired.

"Hiccup?" he asked. I nodded. "Does this mean I'm dead?"

"No," I said, smiling. "After I died, I became a guardian. The guardian of autumn. I'm immortal, so that's why I still look like normal Hiccup."

My dad suddenly surged forward, hugging me like his life depended on it. I hugged back, wishing that I had a little more time to stay with him.

"I'm sorry, Hiccup. I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, too." I replied. When he let me go, I remembered the reason I had wanted to come.

"Dad, this is my wife, Merida." Merida stepped forward, smiling. "And this is our son, Alec."

Alec had curly red hair, like Merida's, but a little muted. His eyes were the same blue as Merida's, but they might change still. Merida had remarked that he looked like me, and I privately agreed.

My dad smiled. Merida put him gently in his arms. Alec was so small, he practically fit in his hand alone.

I refrained from asking about the village, and rather told him about my travel on Toothless.

My hour with him was ending. Merida took Alec back, and I hugged my dad one last time.

"I'll miss you," I said.

"I'll miss you, too." When I let him go, I saw tears in his eyes. I nodded, took out my globe, and brought up a portal. I took one last look at him, smiled, and walked away.


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