Chapter 50

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Yayy finally at 50 Chapters 👏👏👏

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Anyways on with the story




Bruh you mad because I'm beating you at your own game , at your house and on your game system Eric said

Yes now get out for I shoot yo ass !

Bruh you petty! , *laughing* I'm go get something to eat , *walking to the kitchen*

*Chantell walks in the house*

Hey babe were you been , pocking his lips out for a kiss !

I walk straight pass him bc I told him were I was going earlier !

Aww hell what I do now ?

Nothing I said and walk up stairs !

Why do girls always say nothing , when it's really something smh , girls !

My phone was ringing , I looked at the caller ID it was my dad , what? he hasn't call me since he made that last drop and left me and my mom all alone !


Hey son !

Wassup ?

We'll I'm make this short I need you to help me with my business !

What ! , no I'm graduateing next year and I want to walk on the stage and go to the army and stuff!

You heard what the fuck I said meet me at that new restaurant in about 30 minutes we'll talk more then !

Man whatever and hung up in his face

My dad was the biggest drug lord ever , I knew this day would come but not so soon I didn't want to be apart of no drug dealing establishment anymore I tried the first time and me and my mom almost died and then my dad was no where to be found he fled the country and left me and my mom alone he sunt us money but that's material things I needa a father in my life , that's why I have anger issues now , but I have to do what I got to do and I know my mom nor Chantell will be happy with my decision , I guess you can say I'm my dad's keeper even thoee he was barely in my life but he was my dad and maybe now that I'm in the business we'll get more father son time , Bruh I sound so fruity but I don't care !

I walked up the stairs to our room and say Chantell packing , what did I do ? , I know she not leaving me.

Chantell where are you going

If you would've listen the first time I said I'm going to my moms house and I did and now she wants me to spend the night or whatever so we can catch up

Damn baby I'm sorry I was to into that game !

That's nothing new but you look stress wassup ?

My dad called !

Okayyy so.....

He hasn't been in my life since I was 10 and he's a major drug lord and now he wants me to help him with his business.

What does he know you could get killed?

Honestly I don't think he cares , but I know he's gonna make me and maybe this time it'll be different.

Really Brandon different ! nothing will be different or change bout the drug business , I don't want you to do it !

We'll I have no choice and I did it before so it's nothing new!

We'll can you promise me you'll be safe , just think about what we talk about marragie and you going off to the service ?

I will and I promise, I love you but I gotta go because he told me to meet him in 30 minutes !

Okay bye baby love you too !

*he left*

I was still getting clothes I guess I'll stay a week that's long enough , and plus school starting and maybe we'll go school shopping or whatever while I was getting my tooth brush I saw that little white piece a paper again , I thought I told him to throw it away , I picked it up and read it , it had some phone number on there I dialed the number !

A Spanish talking girl answer it !

Hello Papi

I didn't wanna blow it cover so I tried to sound like Brandon.

Wassup ma , who this ?

The girl from the movies..... Rachel

That name sounded familiar !

I hunged up that's all I needed to know what her name was , damn but where did I hear that name from , I thought and thought , oh yea that little girl from the movie she was working at the cash register I saw her eyeing Brandon when we first walked in , but I'll handle that later for now I wanna go spend time with my other family !

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