I Love You

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"Agent Romero? Is there something between you and Captain Rogers?" Fury asked.

"Not at all, sir. He is a very close friend. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. Sir. While I was unconscious, I found out that Loki and Thanos are trying to hunt me down. I kept having dreams of them and it was quite frightening at times. But I don't want them to get ahold of me."

"What are you saying, Romero?"

"I'm not even sure. But I don't want them to be able to use the tesseract in me."

"Just be careful and always have another SHIELD agent with you." Fury sighed before leaving. I slowly stood up, holding on to the bed. Steve was suddenly by my side before I could fall.

"Watch your step." He wrapped an arm around my waist as he helped me walk to my bag. I slipped on a SHIELD hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before we started walking down the hall. "That Eric kid is really getting annoying. I had to take over as his S.O. while you were out."

"Thank you, Captain Rogers."

"Brooklyn!" Eric ran up to me. "Where have you been?"

"On a mission in southern India, Scott."

"You look like shit. What happened?"

"Your level clearance isn't high enough, Agent Scott."

"Clearance level my ass." Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop, roughly.

"Let go of my arm, agent!"

"Listen, Brooklyn. I don't know what's been going on with you, but you need to answer my questions." Eric was squeezing the hell out of my arm. My free arm jerked back and then forward. My fist connected with his nose.

"I do not need to answer any of your questions. I will request you another S.O. in a different base far from here, Agent Scott." I jerked my arm out of Steve's and speed walked and limped down the hall.

"Brooklyn?" Sam jogged up beside me with Steve at my other side. "You okay?"

"You better go check on him, Captain Rogers and Agent Wilson. I'm pretty sure I broke his nose."

"What the hell, Brooklyn!" Eric came back towards me. Steve started to walk towards him but I grabbed Steve's arm.

"I'll deal with him, Captain Rogers. Take Captain somewhere else, Wilson." I pushed them away before crossing my arms, turning to Eric.

"Why the hell did you punch me?"

"You cannot tie our pass and my present together, Eric Scott, do you understand?" I had him against the wall, my finger pointed to him. He nodded. "I do not like you like I used to, Eric. You wanted something more than what we were. I will never want anything more than a possible boyfriend. I will never have time for it. You will have a new S.O. by sunrise. Good day, Scott." It was a good thing it was almost one in the morning because hardly any agents were out and running around. The location we were in was one of the tiny SHIELD bases. I turned and walked down the hallway. I had an office in this base a couple others. I put my bag in my office before going to Director Fury's office. "Director Fury? Its Agent Romero."

"Come in, agent." I closed the door behind me.

"Sir. I'm requesting a new S.O. for Trainee Scott."


"Because I know him from my life outside of SHIELD and he seems to think he can put my past and my present together and I just cannot do it. I don't have the patience. My apologizes."

"Okay. I got a group of about thirteen to twenty trainees coming in for an over view in the morning. I expect you to be there. You'll be showing them around this SHIELD base."

"Yes sir. Thank you." I nodded before leaving. Sam and Steve came up beside me. "Hello, gentlemen."

"You seem in a bad mood." Steve chuckled.

"And what makes you think that, Captain Rogers?"

"You're being sarcastic."

"Damn straight."

I walked out of the bathroom, brushing out my damp hair. Steve was laying on my bed, flipping through the channels on the tv. I sat on my side of the bed, putting my brush on my nightstand and leaned against Steve's arm.

"You should get some sleep, Brooklyn." He kissed the top of my head.

"You should too. It's almost two in the morning now."

"I slept for seventy years. I think I'm good." He chuckled. I laid down beside him and turned my back to him. "Hey? Are you okay?" Steve propped himself up on one elbow, leaning over me.

"Yes, Steven. I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay. I love you." He put his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you." I weaved our fingers together.

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