Beach Walks - Calfreezy

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LA was your happy place, it was where you first met, even though you were both from the UK you had both visited LA at the same time and happened to bump into one another whilst both walking on the beach, neither of you were paying any attention to what was in front of you and ended up crashing into one another, both of you on your phones so your phones dropped at the impact, both of you laughing at what had just happened, he picked up both of the phones and looked at you smirking slightly, he handed you his phone and you looked at him with a confused look on your face

"The pass code Is 5-7-3-9" he had spoke confidently in his thick accent that drawn your attention immediately

"Why are you giving me your pass code?" you had questioned back, your voice already giving him goose bumps as your accent ran through his ears

"So you can unlock it and put your number in it" he spoke back cheekily winking at you, you blushed slightly and laugh at how forward he was

"I'm not the type of girl to give someone I've never met before my number" you spoke back, a slight attitude lacing your voice
He just smirked down at you and grabbed your hand bringing it up to his lips and kissing it lightly, you barely felt it but you felt the shivers run through your body as soon as it happened, his lips curled up even at your reaction
"My names, Callum, you can call me Cal, what's your name gorgeous?"

"Y/N" You spoke back dropping your hand from his and smiling up at him, your eyes catching his deep blue ones, they were truly beautiful, mesmerizing even, he was very attractive and you couldn't deny it

"Pretty name, but I think gorgeous suits you more" he winked down at you once again, causing another blush to make its way to your cheeks, laughing slightly he continued "How about I buy you a drink from the bar across the road and maybe you can get to know me better"
You simply just smiled and nodded, letting him lead the way, he took you to a little bar facing the beach and you spent all afternoon speaking and laughing about nonsense
"Am I still a stranger now or will you still not give me your number" He asked again, hope filling his eyes this time
You laughed and put your hand out for his phone, he gave it you and you put in the pass code he gave you previously in the day and entered your number, he done the same with your phone after you unlocked it, you parted ways that night but made sure to stay in contact as you both lived in London anyway
The next day it was time for you to leave; you boarded the plane and got ready for the flight, familiar laughter filled up your ears along with a loud one that you hadn't heard before, turning your head you see Cal and an unfamiliar man sitting next to him
You made direct eye contact with Cal and he smirked when he seen you
"I guess we are just destined to be together" he said immediately after seeing you making you roll your eyes with a slight blush sitting upon your cheeks

"I guess so" you responded smiling at his words He introduced you to hi friend who's name turned out to be JJ, you spoke for the rest of the plane riding agreeing that you would go to a club with him and his friends when you get back in London A few months later he asked you out, you obviously said yes, you were both in love with each other and no one could deny it
So here you were three years later at the same beach with the same person, it was coming up to your 2 year anniversary together and Cal wanted to take you back to where you first met to celebrate it, obviously you didn't object, instead you jumped up and kissed him, you came her with some of the people you met once you got back to London
His friends loved you and you loved them, coming up to LA with them made the trip even more special

"Baby" you spoke moving closer to him as you walked down the dimly lit beach in the dark, Cal thought it would be nice to go for a stroll down the beach at night. You agreed, until the weather changed and it began to get chilly

"Yes gorgeous" he smiled down at you, the nickname he gave you the moment you met had stuck, you didn't mind though and neither did he, he thought you were gorgeous in all of your states, with or without makeup you were perfect and he was proud to call you his

"I'm cold" you pouted up at him, your choice of cardigan didn't really warm you up and it baffled you how Cal was only wearing a short sleeve shirt and didn't flinch once when the wind picked up
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side, your arm going around his waist and you both continued your journey down the beach, you couldn't lie, the setting around you two was romantic and you loved it
You both walked back towards a bench towards the beginning of the beach and sat down, both looking forward watching the icy waves crash against each other, he put his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him, both of you holding soft smiles on your faces

"We should get back soon, the others want to go out" he spoke up, his eyes still gazing off into the sea

"I don't want to go back yet" you answered "I want to stay here, just you and me"

"We can't stay here forever" he chuckled

"I wish we could, it's so peaceful here" you spoke, your voice beginning to show slight vulnerability
He noticed the slight change in your voice

"Do you not enjoy living in London" he asked, his mind flooding with questions and a confused look on his face

"I didn't mean it like that" you laughed "I meant being alone with you, we don't get to be alone that often so times like this make me happy"

"If you ever need a break you know I'm always up for a random getaway to somewhere, anywhere we could go anywhere you've ever dreamed of"

"As tempting as that sounds, I don't want you to spend your money on me"
He simply just laughed
"Well I've got to spend it anyway baby and I'm choosing to spend it on you so you're happy and it makes me happy to see you smile"
You smiled at him and left a few minutes of silence before he started speaking again

"Do you ever think about the future"


"What do you think about" he asked his gaze now moving to you as you played with his hand that was around your shoulder

"What job I would have, who I would be married to if I get married and if I have children really, it's hard to predict what's going to happen really" you said cuddling into him more

"Do you think we will end up together in the future, like we will be married and have children" you looked up at him after he spoke, it is very rare for Cal to be like this but you love it when he is

"I mean I hope so" you giggled nervously "You make me happy and that's all I want for a relationship, happiness" He smiled at your words, making eye contact with you he leaned down and brushed his nose against yours

"I Love you Y/N"

"I love you to" you replied and leaned up to kiss him The kiss was cut short by a familiar voice calling your names

"CAl, Y/N WE ARE GOING OUT NOW" Simon had shouted cutting you out of the moment

"We better go" you said standing up grabbing his hand and pulling him up with you, he wrapped his arm around you shoulder and pulled you into him and you both walked over to your friends
As happy as can be


Words: 1406

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