Lie Detector - Calfreezy

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You weren't sure how but Cal had somehow managed to convince you to do a lie detector test with him and Will and to say you were nervous was an understatement, not as bad as Will tho, the poor lad was shaking in his chair his heart rate reaching over 150 beats per minute before he even got asked anything, although he had a reason to be nervous after admitting to being sexually attracted to Gee and admitting to liking Stephen over Chip, safe to say he was fucked with Josh for that matter

Cal and Will switched places, agreeing that you would go last so you and Will was sitting on one end of the table whilst Cal was hooked up to the machine on the other end
Will sat down next to you and unlocked his phone showing you the questions he had been tweeted to ask Cal, your eyes scanned through them before you landed on one that had your name on it

"Who asked that one?" You pointed at it causing him to squint and look at his phone before turning to you

"Me, there's a reason for it I promise that it will benefit you a lot" he flashed you a cute smile before turning to Cal
You shook your head and laughed at him before copying his actions and looking at Cal

"Start of easy, do you think you are a fuckboy?" You asked, looking him in the eye as he smiled

"No" Will laughed at his answer and how confidently he said it
Surprisingly to the two of you it can back as true

"Okay skipping a few I have one I thought of myself here" Will chuckled to himself as you looked over at him not ready for him to speak it yet

"Do you have any feelings for Y/N"
You put your head on the table blushing at his question, feeling Will's hand pat your back lightly as he giggled to himself before stilling his hand on your shoulder and pulling you back up in your chair and grinning at you before sending Cal a slight smirk

"Yes" he breathed out, you didn't make eye contact with him hiding yourself in Will's arm not wanting to know if he was lying or not

You moved your head from him before looking up seeing a grin on his face like he was pleased with himself

"It's true, in fact his heart rate actually sped up quite a lot when he heard your name" The lie detector man said looking between the three of you, a loud content sigh leaving Cal's lips as you sat with your head in your hands, your eyes peaking out between your fingers traveling to a blushing Cal

"Told you there was a reason" Will whispered to you laughing lowly with a small smile on his face

"I have one more" he grinned at you before turning to Cal once again, the grin leaving his face and putting on a serious look

"Have you ever had a wet dream about Y/N?"

This was Will's way of getting back at Cal for the questions he had asked him

"Yes" Cal sighed as it came back as true

"It seems like he had a deep thought after that one" The lie detector man spoke up again, you and Cal were left blushing in your chairs

"I did" he laughed looking over at you smiling before shooting Will an evil look making him chuckle

After that question it was your turn, switching seats with Cal and being hooked up to the machine

You didn't know if it was the fact you had two extremely attractive boys grilling you and knowing they could ask you anything and they would find out the truth or if it was that one of them just admitted to having feelings for you and the other had a burning passion to destroy you, either way you were worried

They started off easy, asking you little questions like if you were Sub2WillNE (Aye) or if you enjoys Cal's videos
That was until Will looked at you, a light smirk appearing on his face like a warning to what he was about to ask you

"Y/N do you have any feelings for Calfreezy" Your heart pounded in your chest and there was nothing you could do about it, if you said no you'd get caught out straight away

"Yes" you spoke but it came out more like a whisper

You weren't surprised when it came back as true and also when the lie detector man decided to bait you out telling both boys how fast your heart rate was going when Will had asked you that question

After a few more lighter questions it was over, Cal doing his outro whilst you and Will stood behind him, Will nudged you

"I'm sorry but I'm leaving after this is over, I think you two have something to speak about" He shot you a wink, grinning at you, you sent him a smile back

He may of pissed you off but if anything he was a major help in you two admitting to have feelings for each other so you had to give him props for that
You all waved and said goodbye to the camera, Will saying bye to two of you once the camera turned off and then leaving the flat

The two of you waited for the lie detector man to leave before saying goodbye to him and settling down on the couch facing each other

"Will is a massive cunt" Cal breathed out laughing slightly making you giggle

"Calling him a massive cunt is over dramatic, just a dick will do"

"I mean I guess he has helped today"

"Helped with what?" You asked, curiosity consuming you

"Well I was the one who asked him to ask if I had feelings for you and vice versa"

"So he never came up with the question, you did?" He nodded and sent you a small smile

"I just needed to know"
"So you actually do have feelings for me then?"

"Yes" he breathed out like he had during the test

"I'm just hoping that you do too" You smiled at him

"I do" He shot you a smile

"Wait if you asked Will to help why did you call him a cunt?"

"Because I never told him to ask about the wet dream or anything just about feelings" You laughed as he mumbled something about Will pissing him off

"Are you embarrassed?"

"No but that's something that's gonna be on the internet forever yano my personal business out there"

"You do realise it's your video, you can edit out anything you want" He looked at you it's wise eyes before realising you were right

"I guess, but I do want to ask you something"

"What's that?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tomorrow" His voice came out cool and confident yet his hand was shaky and nervous
You smiled at him

"I'd love to"

"Great, it's a date"


Words: 1188

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