Not So Gentle - Joe Sugg*

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It was news to Joe, hearing you speaking on the phone telling your friend about your sex life he expected you to say something good, you did and he was happy with what he was hearing until he heard your voice change into a whisper

'How is he? He's great, he has no problem with making me feel good but he's too soft, it's like he's scared to go in hard or be rough with me and sometimes I need it"
He couldn't hear what your friend was saying but he could guess from your reply
'I can't tell him, I don't wanna upset him look I've gotta go before he gets back'

Now, 11pm on a Wednesday night he was lying in bed with you, both of you in your underwear You were on your phone, scrolling though your twitter feed liking/retweeting anything you laughed at
Suddenly your phone was taken from your hands by Joe and put on the table next to his bed

"What are you doing?" You questioned squinting your eyes at him, he ignored your question Moving and hovering over you, his hands pinned yours above your head

"Joe, are you okay?" you whispered as his head dipped down and began to place kisses down your neck

"What do you mean love?" He lips assaulted your neck as you spoke to him

"Your acting different" You let out a breathy moan


You kept quiet after that as he continued to kiss down your neck, stopping ever so often leaving little hickeys in his path
His hands moved and arched your back, sliding his hands around your back to unclip your bra running the straps down your shoulders before throwing it off the bed
He placed open mouthed kisses down your chest, going through the valley of your breasts continuing down your stomach before reaching the hem of your panties

Your breathing sped up when he stopped and looked up at you, his eyes locking with yours, an intense gaze sending shivers down your spine
Your hands ran down your own body before lacing through his hair, a smirk growing on his face as he placed an opened mouthed kiss against your clit through your panties a quiet whimper leaving you at the feeling

He moved to lean back on his knees in between your legs, his fingers going either side of your panties before sliding them down and letting them fall off the bed, going down and blowing hot air onto your dripping core
One of his hands rest on the top of your thigh whilst the other went between your legs sliding his middle finger down your clit going over the bump of your clit before reaching your entrance slowly sliding in the tip of his finger before pulling straight out

His body straddled one of your legs as he lent back down to kiss you, one of his hands next to your head to balance himself whilst the other hovered about your core
He placed his lips on yours bringing you into a fast paced kiss, his hand making contact with your clit pushing down hard whilst making quick circles leaving your gasping into your kiss
You mind drifted off thinking what could be the cause of his different manor in bed tonight, if he could have heard you speaking to your friend earlier about him or if he just wanted to try something new

Either way you weren't complaining
Two of his fingers ran down your slit inserting themselves into you, pushing deep inside and curling up in a rough manner
His fingers continued to curl up into you, picking up into a quick pace leaving you moaning into his mouth, your nails digging into his arms
He pulled his fingers out and took his lips from yours, kneeling up between your legs again and looking down at you before taking his boxers off and running a hand over his harden shaft, his thumb sliding the precum down his throbbing vein

He moved to hover over you, your hands pinned above your head by his as his the tip of his cock sat at your entrance You expected him to slowly push himself in like usual, you were wrong as he e slammed into you, a loud moan leaving your lips at the sudden action
He pressed against your spot immediately continuing the action only speeding up in the process
His head fell into your neck, his lips making instant contact to your weak point leaving hickeys all around as he plowed into you and his hands leaving yours moving next to your head and setting yours free, groans leaving him as you raked your nails down his back surely leaving marks for everyone to see Your legs went up and hooked around his hips pushing him deeper inside of

His lips kissed back up your neck and around your jaw before landing on your lips once more, his tongue sliding into your mouth and dancing with yours

"Are you close babe?" He whispered through your kiss only getting a moan from you in response
You clenched around him, he took that as an answer and drove deeper into you moans falling into your mouth as he began to get close, wanting you to get you off first
He wiggled a hand between the two of you and placed his fingers in your clit, rubbing harsh circles into you as you began your orgasm

Moaning his name loudly as you released around him finally setting his orgasm off as he shot multiple hot spurts into you, riding out both of your orgasms before pulling out and rolling off of you laying next to you

"Wasn't too rough was I?" He looked over to you with a slight smirk on his face laughing to himself as you shook your head

"No" you breathed out, he pulled you into him and kissed your head

"We should do it like this more"


Words: 1000

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