Deep - ChrisMD*

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You didn't go on dates often, somehow Cal had managed to convince you to go on a date with one of his mates, Danny and it was clear to see that you wasn't exactly excited
You went to the bar that you were supposed to meet him at a little earlier than planned, you hoped that getting there before him would calm your nerves about the date, it was basically a blind date since you had actually never met him before
You walked in and sat down at the bar, not knowing how long he was going to be. You payed no attention to any of your surroundings until you heard a familiar voice speak to you
"What are you doing here?"
You turned your head to Chris and smiled
"I am here on a blind date"
"Ah, who is the guy?"
"Some guy called Danny"
"Who set you up on this date?"
"Cal did, why so many questions?
"I'm just curious"
You nodded at his response
"What are you doing here?"
"I don't actually know, I was bored thought maybe I could find a girl to occupy my time for a while"
"So you are here to find a girl who wants to fuck you"
He nodded and laughed
"Can't seem to find what I am looking for"
"Well it might be because the only girl I have seen you speak to in here has been me"
"Doesn't that show you something?"
"What that you want to fuck me?"
His eyes briefly glanced over you
"It's nothing new is it babe"
You shook your head and laughed
"I am here for a date, I can't let you take me home and fuck me can I"
He smiled and leaned in closer to you
"Who said it can't happen here"
His voice was low, quiet so only you could hear him
"How long until he gets here?"
He leaned forward and gently brushed his lips across yours
"Like half an hour?"
"Long enough"
You and Chris had been sleeping together for the past few months, a sex only relationship that neither of you complained about, no one really suspected anything since you were close friends anyway and having to explain it to your friends was not something either of you wanted to do
He smirked slightly and stood up holding out his hand for you to grab, you followed him out to his car and got into the passenger seat, he got into the driver's seat and drove to a deserted car park behind the building and parked up and turned the engine off
You moved to straddle him, your dressing riding up your hips as you did
Your hands went to his face, leaning forward and kissing him as his hands slowly slid up your thighs and rested on your now bare hips. The kiss was quick, rushed even
One of his hands moved down and pushed your panties to the side, running a finger through your slit and circling it around your clit, a small moans leaving your lips, getting lost in your kiss
He pushed his finger into you, slowly moving it in and out, curling it slightly up making your moans gradually becoming louder, he pulled away from the kiss and trailed his lips up your neck, pressing kisses under your ear but being careful to not make any marks
"You're fucking soaking"
You let out a moan at his words
He pulled his finger out of you and you slid your hands down his covered chest to his jeans, undoing them and moving them down with his boxers enough so that his ever hardening cock would be visible
He moved your panties to the side once more and let you sink down onto him, a groan of relief leaving him when you did
His hands on your hips helped you move, guiding your movements on him, he thrusted up meeting you halfway going deeper inside of you
Your moans got louder, his lips attaching themselves back to yours to silence you
He moaned into the kiss when you clenched around him
Your walls squeezing tightly around him and his cock pressing right against the most sensitive spot inside of you had set you both off
The sex was quite quick, not knowing how long you had been with him for and not really wanting to be late for your date
"Better get back, your date might be in there and I'd hate to make you keep him waiting"
He spoke when you moved off of his lap and back into the passenger seat, he turned and watched you as you fixed your dress, hair and makeup
"What are you doing?"
"Watching you"
He laughed but never answered, you turned to look at him once you finished
"How do I look?"
You laughed and blushed slightly at his comment
"I should really get going"
"Have fun"
"I'll try"
He laughed, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek
"Enjoy whoever you end up with tonight"
"Nah, I think I'm just going to go home"
"Enjoy your night Chris"
You sent him a smile before getting out of the car, fixing your dress once more and spraying perfume on yourself before walking off back to the bar
He watched you get out the car and walk away, he sighed to himself
Once you walked around the corner and was out of his eyesight he shut his eyes, hitting his fist off of the steering wheel before sitting back in the seat
He mentally shouted at himself for letting you walk back into the bar to meet Darren or whatever the fuck his name was,Chris didn't really care for him.
He wasn't too sure why but he hoped you would just appear back outside the car and tell him to take you home because you didn't want to go on the date, he knew it was an unrealistic wish
He let out another deep sigh before closing off his mind and driving home
Meanwhile, you had just walked back into the bar and you saw Danny sitting at the bar
"Finally you're here"
"What do you mean finally?"
You asked, sitting on the bar stool next to him
"Well I've been waiting ages"
"How long?"
"Like 10 minutes"
"That's not exactly a long time"
"Whatever it doesn't matter, you are here now that's all that matters I guess"
You sighed already knowing how much of a disaster this date will end up as, could possibly turn out to be one of the worst dates of your life
"So, why were you so late?"
His eyes scanned your body whilst he spoke, his eyes lingering on your chest for quite a while, you mentally thanked yourself for wearing a high necked dress so it was all covered up
You looked down at your phone to check the time, you had agreed to meet him here at 8 and sure enough, it was bang on 8
"I'm not late; I am actually exactly on time"
He rolled his eyes
"It doesn't matter you still left me waiting"
"Well it's your fault for getting here so early, you have no reason to get bitchy with me"
"Fine, are you drinking"
You shook your head at his question, you had decided against drinking on the first date plus you drove there and drunk driving is not something you do
"Who comes to a bar and doesn't drink?"
"Me and anyway it was your idea to come here, why does it matter? Did you just bring me here to try and get me drunk?"
"You got me"
You rolled your eyes and sighed
"Why don't you just tell me about yourself Danny"
"Isn't really much to know"
"Nothing, you have nothing to say about yourself?"
He shook his head and you rolled your eyes
He frowned slightly
"I'm sorry, I know I have been a bit of a dick, why don't we have a fresh start"
You nodded and he stuck his hand out for you to shake
"I'm Danny"
You giggled
"Well it is lovely to meet you Y/N"
The conversation flowed nicely for the next hour or so, you felt slightly bad for your misjudgement early on in the date. It was a lot nicer now, that was until he began to drink a little more than he should have and his drunk personality mixed with your sober one didn't go so well
"Where do you plan on going after this?"
His words were slightly slurred
"Home, alone"
"You are no fun"
"What because I won't sleep with you?"
He nodded
"I just expected it, a lot of the girls that I've been set up with are always ready to jump into bed with me just after meeting me"
"Yep, we fuck and then never see or speak to eachother again. I just expected you to do the same"
You sighed when you watched him pick up his drink again
"I think I'm going to go now, it was nice meeting you Danny"

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