Shy - ChrisMD

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It was a simple concept, you weren't used to relationships, the ones you had been in barely lasted 5 minutes so being with Chris was something new to you and you didn't really know how to act, you were shy around him and got embarrassed when he would kiss you in front of people or call you one of his loving pet names, it wasn't that you didn't like it, because you did, it was just the fact you wasn't used to PDA. You also wasn't used to going on dates or going out to expensive restaurants instead of just a McDonalds run on the way home from work
So when asked you to go to dinner with a few of his friends that were visiting from London you couldn't exactly say you were thrilled to go, it wasn't going to be at some extravagant restaurant, just a typical run to Nandos, but it still made you nervous meeting Chris's friends for the first time not knowing anything he has said to them about you or what they will say to you because you are with Chris

"Do I have to come?" you asked your boyfriend, sitting on his bed watching him run around his room looking for his shoes

"Yessss, Y/N please they want to meet you" he spoke back glancing at you for a second, he sighed lightly, walking over and sitting next to you "Please baby" he moved your hair and placing light kisses on your neck leaving you blushing

"Fine" you spoke back, groaning at his way of persuading you, a blush still evident on your face backing him laugh

"Awww, you look cute" he spoke pushing you cheeks together, squashing your face, blushing even more you pushed his hands off of you and stood up

"Please stop" you asked now looking down at him, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you towards him, he looked up at you

"I'm sorry" he chuckled "I just find it adorable that you still get all shy and embarrassed around me even though we've been together for almost 4 months now" he finished, lifting your shirt up slightly and rubbing small circles on your hips making you shudder

"I know, but I can't help it, I'm just not used to this" your replied, smiling down at your boyfriend with a small blush still grazing your skin, removing his hands from your hips, he stands up and places them on your waist, pulling you close to him as your arms go around his neck

"I know you're not, so that just makes everything better for me, so I can show you how a real man would treat you" he spoke his face leaning in closer "And it also means I don't have anyone to compete with" he finished off with a slight smirk and then pressed a delicate, lingering kiss on your lips before pulling away and dragging you down stairs

"Who am I meeting today then?" you asked Chris putting your shoes on and following him out of his front door and into the uber that was outside waiting for you

"Simon, Harry, JJ and Freezy are here today" he spoke looking towards you as you sat in the uber next to him, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers together making you smile, you loosely knew who they all were because of watching Chris's videos but you couldn't remember any of their faces

"Do you speak about me to them?"
you asked your voice quieting at you saw him turn to you
"Why do you ask?" he questioned knowing your shyness was coming back in full force

"I mean y-you said that they wanted to urm meet me so I mean that must mean you speak about me right?" you asked again, shying away from him by hiding your face in his neck as he chuckled at you

"Of course I speak about you, you're my girl and I want everyone to know how proud I am to have you" he said back, laughing at your face going hot as you smiled into his neck

"Stop being so cute baby" you spoke, not realizing you had called him baby until he moved you face out of his neck and smiled at you

"Baby eh? You've never been one for nicknames babe, what's changed?" he asked in a teasing manner knowing you would easily blush, groaning you simply replied with a light sigh and leaned your head on his shoulder, knowing that you would be embarrassed for the majority of the time you'll be out for and for the rest of it be to shy to speak about your relationship with Chris A while after you had arrived at Nandos and were greeted by 4 cheerful boys

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