Babysitter - Simon

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"Do I have to come" Simon moaned as you dragged him to the car

"Yes, I told them you were going to help me so therefore you are" Your friend had asked you if you could babysit her child, Rosie for a couple of hours while they go to dinner with their parents, so obviously you agreed and decided to drag Simon along

"I'm not good with kids" he moaned as your started up the car

"You'll be fine" you laughed shaking your head at his behavior and pulling off of the drive and making your way to your friends house
Arriving there you knocked on the door being greeted with your friend, Jess

"Y/N I'm so glad you could do this" she spoke as she let you and Simon in the door
"Mike and Rosie are in there" she pointed to the door that brought you to the living room

"Hey, we are gonna head off now" Mike spoke standing up and greeting you and Simon "we will be back at around 10 don't hesitate to call us if something is wrong" and with that they left
You walked over to Rosie and picked her up, her clinging onto you as you walked over to Simon

"Are you not gonna say hello?" You laughed looking up at him

"I don't know how to speak to a child" he responded with an awkward look on his face and Rosie stared him down

"Simon she's 3 she's not a danger she will speak back to you" you laughed once more setting her back down on the floor as Simon sat on the sofa She walked over to him and smiled, standing front of him

"Hi" she giggled before attempting to climb the sofa and sit next to him, failing making Simon laugh and pick her up placing her next to him

"I'm Rosie" she spoke giggling again sticking her hand out to shake his

"what's your name?"

"I'm Simon" he spoke laughing and shaking her hand

"I like your hair, it's funny" she giggled again when he pulled a fake hurt expression

"That was rude" he spoke laughing, putting a hand on his chest to pretended to be offended

"I'm sorry" she said and leaned over to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him making Simon look up at you and his lips curve up into a small smile whilst he hugged her back

"Right so you want to watch a movie" you said, laughing at Rosie's attachment to Simon as she nodded still clinging onto him

"What shall we watch?" Simon asked her as she sat next to him and grabbed onto his arm

"MOANA" she shouted in Simons ear causing you to giggle

"Go and put your Pyjamas on while we get it ready" you said as she let go of Simon and giggled her way out of the room

"I think she likes you" you spoke laughing whilst setting up the film

"She's cute" he replied standing up and wrapping his arms around you from behind, you leaning back into him closing your eyes after you set the film up

"Still dreading this?" You asked giggling

"I mean it's not as bad as I thought" he said laughing to himself

"I told you she's 3, she wouldn't harm you" you wiggled out of his grip after that and sat on the sofa, him sitting next to you and wrapping his arms around you "She's gonna wanna sit next to you when she comes back" you cuddled your head into his neck

"You can live without touching me for a few hours" he laughed

You laughed as Rosie came back into the room and jumped in between the two of you

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