Voice Over - ChrisMD*

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"I need to do the voice over for one last video and then you can have me all to your self" Chris spoke as he turned around in his chair and faced the bed which you were lying on

"Babyyyyy" you moaned extending the y at the end "Can you not take a little break"

"Look I promise give me half an hour and then I'm all yours for the rest of the day" he spoke up

You had been "acting up" all day, he's spent the day editing videos and not really paying attention to you which today was the worst Chris always looked good but today he looked extra good, setting you off with your hormones more than usual and the lack of attention was making it worse for you
You needed some sort of contact with Chris and he wasn't giving you any of it So you thought you'd get it yourself

"I need something Chris" you complained standing up when he turned his chair back around

You walk over and straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck

"I mean your only doing a voice over, we could still have some fun" you placed small kisses in his neck and grinded your hips hard against his making his head fall back slightly and his hands grab your waist

"Like. What" he spoke in between breaths, moaning out when you moved your hips against his again, his Boner already forming at your movements His grip on your waist tightened as you spoke

"Like this" you spoke before kissing him hard and taking his hands of your hips, you got off of the chair and kneeled down in front of it, placing a hand on his already formed bulge and palming it softly making him close his eyes for a moment

"Baby" he whimpered as you pulled the zip down on his jeans, pulling them down with his boxers making his hard cock slap against his shirt

"Well, what are you waiting for? Start your voice over babe" you spoke In a teasing voice before running your thumb over the tip of cock that was already dripping in pre-cum Maybe he was just as horny as you
He shivered at your movements and began speaking about something to do with football, you let him go on for about 30 seconds before placing your lips on the tip of his cock sucking on it making his breathing heavier
You began lowering your mouth down his cock slowly bobbing your head, any part that wasn't in your mouth your hand was stroking up and down, as you got into a steady rhythm one of his hands went down and gripped the arm of his chair
You looked up as you started moving faster and seeing his facial expressions alter slightly, good thing he wasn't recording his face
You slid your mouth off of his cock and began stroking him up and down faster, licking a long stripe up the side making a groan slip out of his mouth
While you were doing this, there wasn't much going through Chris' mind apart from the fact your mouth was all of his cock and he couldn't really express any feelings about how he feels

So he continued, beginning to speak about his new video until your mouth reattached itself to his cock again, going faster and deeper than before making him groan again, his knuckles were going white from how hard he was squeezing his chair
You continued after seeing his reaction, deciding now would be a good time to take it to the next level, so you did
You took as much of him as you could in your mouth, feeling him hit the back of your throat making him moan out loudly and throw his head back His mind went blank after that, forgetting about his video

"Fuck" he moaned out as you done it again knowing that he was edging closer to finishing because of your mouth
He attached a hand to his own hair, running his hand through it many times as you bobbed your head faster, one of your hands wrapping around his shaft and moving it at the same speed
You saw his knuckles go whiter than before as he moaned out once more, he was close and you knew it
Taking his cock out of your mouth, keeping your hand wrapped around it and moving it at the speed your mouth was previously going at

"Please" he whimpered looking down at you before throwing his head back again
You placed your lips on the tip, deep throating once more making his cock hit the back of your throat he moan out your name loudly before letting his cum shoot down your throat, you cleaned him up before standing up looking down at your breathless boyfriend, messy hair and closed eyes,
he looked even better than before and you didn't think it was possible
He stood up making you lean back against his desk

"I'm gonna have to redo my voice over now" he whispered because of the close proximity of the two of you

"That's a shame" you whispered back as his lips attached to your neck

"You shouldn't of done that"

"Why?" You asked and his grabbed your waist pulling you closer

"Because" he kissed you harshly "now I'm gonna get distracted and I'm not gonna get it done"

"What's gonna distract you?"

"You" he whispered before picking you up and throwing you on the bed

You finally got what you wanted


Words: 930

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