The Way You Talk - Simon

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"Hey guys and welcome to Cards against humanity" Josh spoke through the mic introducing their video "and today we are already starting off strong" He continued reading out the card
You weren't too sure why you were tweeted the video so many times but you finally had time to watch it so you did, settling in Simons bed with earphones in as he edited, it started as any normal CAH video them saying something they probably shouldn't on YouTube and laughing it off straight after
Soon enough you realised why as your name came up

"Oh god" Simon spoke as he seen the card causing a riot of laughter to spread through the call

"What's worse than Y/N's accent?" Ethan spoke laughing to himself when JJ let out a loud laugh, you frowned at the video slightly you looked down towards the corner where Simons face can was and saw him roll his eyes

"I think I've won" he spoke laughing to himself

"Okay okay hurry up guys" Ethan spoke becoming inpatient with Josh as he was taking so long to pick a card

"I haven't got anything" Josh laughs saying 'fuck it' and choosing a random card

"What's worse than Y/N's accent?" Ethan spoke as your eyes stopped on the first card, glancing down towards Simons face cam you saw him roll his eyes with a frown upon his face as Ethan laughed

"NOTHING" he shouted before choosing the card showing that JJ picked it
They all laughed as Simon stayed quiet
This continued for a while JJ, Ethan and Josh speaking in their so called 'Birmingham Accent' which you thought sounded nothing like you
You couldn't deny that it hurt you because it did, you already had enough grief from fans taking the piss out of how you spoke you didn't exactly need the boys to either

"Are you done" Simon spoke through his mic making all the boys be quiet for a sec

"Simon bro it's only a joke" Ethan spoke up, Simon only sighed and didn't respond Soon enough the boys moved on so you paused the video and took your earphones out, sighing with a frown settling on your face

"You okay babe?" Simon asked making you jump

"Yeah" you spoke looking down, he rolled his chair over to where you was sitting on the bed

"You sure, you look sad" he spoke grabbing one of your hands in his before his eyes flickered to your phone seeing his CAH video open Sighing he spoke

"You saw the video?"

"Yep" you spoke still looking down at your lap

"Are you upset because of what they said?" He asked sighing, you didn't respond but just looked at him

"Baby" he spoke leaning towards you
"Why does it bother you so much?"

"It bothers me because everyone has the same impression that sounds nothing like me, I've never met anyone who has such a deep voice, they all hate my voice how do I know that you don't too" you spoke sighing acting

"Well I know that, they just take things too far sometimes, and anyway I love your voice" he responded making you blush slightly


"Of course, I think that your accent is beautiful" he spoke again smiling at you, standing up and sitting on the bed next to you pulling you into him Cuddling into him you sighed

"Your amazing" He chuckled

"I love you" he whispers making you turn your head and look at him smiling

"I love you to" he spoke back before closing the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against his going into a slow, loving kiss He smiled into the kiss before pulling away and kissing your forehead and switching his Tv on
I guess he could edit some other time


Words: 637

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