The Morning After - ChrisMD*

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Part 2 to Shy - ChrisMD


You woke up the next morning to an empty bed, immediately remembering your day yesterday and that you has spent the night at Chris's, about to question yourself about where he was until you heard footsteps and seen the door open and he walked in, in nothing but his boxers, water droplets falling slowly down his chest and his hair sticking to his forehead you guessed that he had just got out of the shower, it was nothing to complain about with the way he looked
'What a sight to wake up to' you thought to yourself before realizing you had be staring for too long so you looked away

"Morning baby" he laugh when he saw you look away, blushing because you know he caught you staring "did you sleep well" he spoke, standing still and looking over at you and sending you a cheesy smile
You couldn't say much other than nodding your head and humming a slight

"Hmm" to say yes, glancing up at him and then proceeding to stand up so you could go and have a shower but instantly being stopped when you tried to get past him, being backed up so you were between him and the wall, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere of the room, it became tense

"Chris" you whispered

"Yeah" he spoke back, his voice huskies now

"W-what are you doing" you whispered back with a slight stutter, you wouldn't admit it out loud but the way he was dressed with a minimum amount of clothing on and being so close to you made you nervous

"Just having fun" he whispered, his face closer to your neck now and his hot breath giving you goose bumps all over
He noticed you shiver and chuckled slightly

"You okay"

"I-I yeah I'm fine" you spoke, your nervousness shining through

"You sure? You look a bit flustered right now love" this time grabbing your hips and pushing you back against the wall and getting closer to you
after he spoke his lips automatically lowered down closer to your neck and placed is lips on there, your breathing slowly getting harsher as he dragged them down to your sweet spot and stayed there long enough to leave a mark, he continued to process until you moaned out

"Chris" in a whisper, smiling at your moan he pulled you back until he feel into the bed and moving into a position so you were sitting on his lap and immediately pressed his lips against yours, the kiss started out innocent but that didn't last long
Soon enough is hands said down your body and under his shirt that you had worn to bed the night before, as he ran his fingers up and down your back until they went down and squeezed your ass making you gasp, his hands moved around to your hips as you began to move them ever so slightly, his grip on your hips making them move faster until they were going at a steady speed
You could feel him harden underneath you
He let out a groan and flipped you over you were now blushing underneath him

"Are you getting shy on me again baby" he whispered, laughing as he lent down to kiss you again, both of you smiling through the kiss, his hands slid down your body and began to pull the shirt up, breaking the kiss for a few seconds so it would come off
He took the moment to sit back on his knees and admire you

"What" you asked when you sat back

"I just wanted to admire you" he spoke looking you in the eye, leaning forwards again and placing a simple kiss on your lips "your beautiful" he finished and began to kiss down your body's, starting at your neck and slowly going down your body, removing your bra when he got to it and kissing down the valleyin between yours breasts, kissing a slow line down the middle of your stomach until he reached your panties, hooking his fingers over each side of them and pulling them down and throwing them aside
Your breathing when his hand began to slide up and down you inner thigh as he leaned down and kissed you, getting closer to your centre each time until his hand slid up over your clit pushing down slight until he began to rub small, tight circles on your clit making you gasp through the kiss and moan out
Smirking, he slid a finger down and into your entrance, adding another soon after, curling it so it felt even better making you moan out into the kiss once more until he stopped his movements, broke the kiss and slipped out of his boxers
You watched him, every movement he made registered in your mind

"Your staring at me again" he spoke as he got a condom out of his bedside table

"I know" you spoke, he looked at you surprised

"Are you more confident when your naked?" He asked making you give him a weird look as he laugh "I'm only asking because if you are, wouldn't that be an amazing excuse to do this more often" he finished with a smirk making your cheeks heat up immediately as he chuckled and climbed back on top of you with the condom on, grabbing your hands and lifting them over your head holding them with one of his hands as the other went to the side of your face, cupping it and leaning down to kiss you

"Ready" he spoke pulling away from the kiss and lifting up slightly

"Yes" you managed to whisper back, your breath unsteady and harsh, you didn't realise how much you need him until now
Soon enough he slowly pushed inside of you, staying still so you could adjust to his size until you moaned out his name encouraging him to move, which he did, sweating a smooth steady pace, each thrust he got deeper and you got louder, the only thing heard was his groans mixed with your moans, he continued this pace for a while until he sped up slightly and ran a hand down your body and began to rub your clit in a fast circular motion

"Chris Fuck" you swore louder than before as the pleasure became unreal you were bother close and you both knew it, you came pretty quickly after, Chris not far behind and you both rod out your orgasms and he pulled out of you lying next to you

"Maybe I should've waited to have my shower" he spoke laughing slightly

"Well if you waited then this wouldn't of happened" you laughed with him

"You know your can't resist me baby, I would've just turned on my charm and you'd be ready for me" he said making you giggle this time
"your adorable"
You blushed at his comment and rolled your eyes

"Shut up"

"It's not like I'm lying"
Smiling you simply stood up from the bed

"Where are you going?" He asked as you began to pick up clothes

"I'm going to have a shower"

"Why don't you wait for me"

"Did you not just have your fun then"

"Yes, but there are more ways for us to have fun baby" he spoke, winking at you from the bed making you roll your eyes

"I'll see you in a little bit" you spoke walking over and kissing him, you felt comfortable just standing naked in front of him and that's a feeling you never thought you would feel, you were becoming more confident and Chris loved every minute of it


Words: 1277

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