Daddy - Calfreezy*

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The guys had decided to go out, inviting you with and the rest of the girl
You didn't know where the idea came from but Cal and Finch thought it would be a great idea to dress up in police outfits and go to a club, so you did

"Come on baby we're going to the bar" Cal shouted over the loud music dragging you to the bar to get drinks the you all ordered your drinks and made your way to a booth and sat down between Freya and Cal

"Y/N you look great" Freya said as you sat down

"Yeah, matching the boyfriend I see" Sarah added, winking at you making you laugh

"Haha it was their idea" you replied back pointing between Cal and Finch while laughing back It all started off fun, downing your drinks and taking shots until a few of the guys brought a few girls, and their friends to the table, one of the girls sitting the other side of Cal and another sitting facing him, as the others scattered around the table sitting next to the other boys

The two girls seemed to take a liking to Cal, immediately making conversation when they sat down not even bothering to acknowledge the girl who he had his arm around
You didn't take at first until he removed his arm from around your shoulder as the girls giggled at something he said

Slowly they gained more of his attention as he paid less to you When the girls got up to go to the bathroom he turned to you

"You alright babe?" He shouted over the music

"Yeah" you replied sending him a small smile
"I'm going to dance with the girls do you wanna come?" You asked him only getting a head shake from him

"Nah I'm good I'll stay here" he responded as the girls sat back down, you stood up and walked off towards Freya and the girls while rolling your eyes at the giggling noises again

"You alright?" Freya asked as you got to them, you smiled and nodded

"He just didn't wanna dance" you replied

"Seems like it" she said looking over at him making you turn as well, the girl next to him had her hands on his lower arm as he had a grin on his face

"Ignore him come on let's dance" Sarah pulled you further onto the dance floor making you giggle If he weren't paying attention to you, you shouldn't be paying attention to him

To you, your dancing was pretty simple, rolling your hips to the beat of the songs playing but to Cal it was different, he turned his head for a split second expecting to see his girlfriend messing around dancing with her friends, but he was greeted with the sight of your hips swaying to the beat of a Rihanna song
He could've sworn to himself that after the first glimpse of you dancing everything moved in slow motion, his eyes scanning up and down your body and you threw your head back and closed your eyes, laughing at something Sarah had said to you

As caught up as he was on you and your dancing he couldn't help but notice the amount of guys that were looking at you the same way he was, looking at you like they wanted to take you home and have their way with you
He wanted nothing more than to drag you home and make you scream all night

"CAL" you heard someone shout snapping him out of his daze


"Listen Laura I-" He spoke to the girl next to him

"LAUREN" she shouted correcting her name

"Lauren then, I've gotta go it was nice speaking to you" he replied standing up in his seat and making his way over to you not bothering to look back when Lauren called his name

Your back was facing him as he got closer, his mind getting caught up in the way your hips moved around at you danced giving him unspeakable thoughts
When he reached you he grappled your hips and pulled you back into him immediately putting his lips next to your ear as he heard you gasp

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