Underrated - Calfreezy & Finch*

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It was a reoccurring thing, early morning gym sessions with Cal & Finch It became a tradition shortly after your friendship with them formed

"Brooooo" you heard a light whisper between the boys behind you as you squatted down once more

"I know man" you looked up into the mirror in front of you to find their eyes focused on your body, your ass mainly Cal's eyes glanced up and looked into yours from the mirror winking at you before turning around and going into a conversation with Finch

A sudden tension had settled around you, the way there eyes roamed around your body was exciting

Having two attractive boys speaking about you literally behind your back let shivers fall down your spine and dirty thoughts shoot into your head
Moving over to the excise bike you climbed on and began peddling, once again distracting the boys shortly after starting

You weren't sure if they wanted you to hear them or they thought you weren't listening but you managed to hear it all

"I swear she's making me hard right now" Finch spoke to Cal, watching your hips move on the bike
Cal gave him a disgusted look

"Why the fuck would you tell me that"
"Cause it's true"

"Well I didn't need to know"

"Sorry man I just thought it would be abit awkward if I had a raging boner in front of you without warning" You giggled quietly to yourself as the boys bickered between themselves
A wave of heat flushed through you as you realised what had just been said about you

"Do you think she'd be into it?" You heard Cal say, breaking you out of thought having no idea what they were talking about

"I dunno man it depends what type of shit she's into, we can only find out if we ask"

"Bro I'm not asking her"

"Well neither am I" This went back and forth for a while until Finch asked Cal something

"Do you think she's had a threesome before?" Your eyes widened as you realised what they were speaking about, the two boys wanted to have a threesome with you

You weren't going to deny that you found them both unbelievably attractive and you wouldn't mind being in bed with either of them let alone both at the same time You went back to concentrate on what you were doing, thoughts of what could happen when you go back to yours with the boys

"You done?" Cal asked you half an hour later as they were preparing to leave

"Yeah, are you both coming back to mine?" They looked between each-other before nodding towards you, letting you walk in front of them towards the doors to leave the gym
Swinging your hips more than usual, purposely to catch the boys attention

The car ride to your house was filled with a thick atmosphere, glances between the three of you but not many words spoke
The sexual tension was through the roof and you were on edge to find out what would happen once you arrived home

"I'm going to get changed" you spoke once you got back to your, walking up stairs leaving the two boys alone sitting in the living room

"Dude do you think she heard us earlier" you heard faint whispers as you were walking down stairs, stopping at the bottom to listen in

"Probably, but it doesn't matter you haven't got the balls to speak to her about it anyway" You walked into the room after that, both boys shutting up and looking at, eyes wandering down your body as you had changed into a tight tank top with mid thigh shorts that matched

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