Tease - Simon*

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You didn't know what to expect, arriving at the Sidemen house ready to go to the club.
You wouldn't say you were dressed to impress, but you definitely wanted to make an impression on Simon. You were wearing tight black jeans that made your ass look great with a plain white crop top that really made your boobs stand out.
You had been friends with the Sidemen for around 2 years now. It was innocent at first until Simon started making moves on you which ended up with you lying naked in his bed. You'd been friends with benefits with Simon for about 4 months now.
It had been a while since the last time you spent time with him alone. You'd had no sexual contact with him for about 2 weeks, and to say you missed it was an understatement.
"You look nice," Simon told you as you sat on his bed.
When you arrived at the house he answered the door, not ready to go out so you decided that you would sit in his room and wait for him to get ready.
"Fuckable," he smirked laughing at you, changing from a sidemen shirt into a plain black t-shirt matched with black jeans. Simon always looked hot in all black.
"Ah, so do you." You stood up and walked over to him, his hands immediately gripping your waist, pulling you towards him while your hands wrapped behind his neck.
"Well I'm glad we are on the same page here" he spoke before kissing you, pulling you closer to him before letting his hands slide down to squeeze your ass making you gasp and laugh into the kiss. Before pulling away from him and his grip and going back to sit on the bed.
"Well it's been a while babe," he walked towards you, sitting next to you on the bed. He moved your hair to the side and placed a few kisses on your neck before staying in one placing and sucking lightly.
"I know, but we are going out remember? Or has that slipped your mind?" You asked, laughing as he pulled away.
"Of course it hasn't, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind us staying back."
"But I've got all dressed up for the club now, I'm not staying behind. I'm going babe." You stood up, walking towards the door, hearing him get up behind you.
He spun you around before you could open the door, pinning you against it by your waist.
"Fine," he whispered, so close that you could feel his breath, hot against your neck, "but I hope that means you're coming back with me later, because I don't know how much longer I can wait."
With that, he left the room. Leaving you leaning against the door, breathing heavily.
Once you sorted yourself out, you went downstairs to be greeted by the others.
"Ready to go?" Josh asked and you nodded, walking outside, and getting into the uber.
Simon was facing you, not taking his eyes off you for the majority of the ride, completely zoned out from anyone else. You couldn't tell if he was focused more on your face or your boobs.
He was turned on. You were killing him and you didn't even know it.
When you arrived at the house he wanted to just take you then and there, but he couldn't. So here he was, in an uber with his friends and you sitting across from him, your boobs standing out because of your crop top. Frankly, he couldn't wait for the night to be over so he could take you back to his and finally have his way with you.
Arriving at the club, you all got drinks and sat down at a table, chatting away about the nonsense going on in your lives until Freya dragged you and Sarah up to dance. So, you danced for a while, moving your hips to the beat of the music, not really paying any attention to any of your surroundings.
Simon sat watching you intensely, he began to think you were teasing him on purpose although he wasn't too sure, his thoughts were dragging off. He couldn't help it, he was in too deep of a thought for anything to distract him, well other than CalFreezy shouting in his face.
He barely heard any of it though.
"Sorry what?" He asked back.
"I said you good bro? You seem really zoned out."
"I'm fine," he spoke, his gaze still on you.
Cal followed Simons eyes and saw you. Smirking, he looked towards Simon.
"Y/N, yeahhhhhhhh," he spoke laughing, extending the yeah just showing how intoxicated he really was.
"What you mean?" Simon asked, his gaze finally leaving you and landing on Cal.
"I am not going to pretend I didn't see you gawking at her not even 2 minutes ago. I can hook you up if you want? Maybe she'll go home with you tonight." he said laughing at his own words.
Simon laughed with him, for a different reason though. He appreciated his friend trying to help but he already knew you'd end up in his bed either way.
"When the girls come back I'll hook you up with something bro," Cal said once again to Simon who was laughing and shaking his head at his words.
While you were dancing Freya had turned to you.
"I swear Simon's been staring at you for the past 10 minutes."
"What?" You asked laughing while Sarah nodded.
"He has, he's not even trying to hide it," She said while laughing.
"Come on let's go back to them," Freya spoke, pulling us back towards the guys, pushing you into the booth next to Simon.
"Hi" you giggled as you landed on him, making him laugh back.
You noticed the look he received from Cal when you spoke.
"Alright Y/N, odds on for a body shot off of Simon. If we get the same number you do it, if we get different numbers then you don't," Cal spoke, looking over at you making everyone 'Ohhhh'.
"Alright," you laughed, not knowing what to expect, "1-4."
Getting a countdown from JJ you both spoke,
"3-" you both said, making you mentally curse.
"AYYYYYY" JJ shouts, laughing at your reaction.
"GET THE SALT AND LIMES OUT LADS ITS TIME!" Cal shouted once again, way too excited, making everyone laugh.
They decided to put the salt on Simons neck and then the lime in his mouth, and the shot of tequila on the table.
"On the count of three you need to lick the salt off of Simons neck, take the shot, then get the lime from his mouth," Cal spoke up winking at Simon, "and remember to take your time, we don't need you to rush."
Simon put his hand onto your inner thigh before you started, lightly massaging it, making you chuckle.
"Three, two, one go."
After that you started, leaning into Simons neck and placed your lips there, sucking at the salt, his hand gripped your thigh tightly, making you smile against his neck. Pulling away, you licked one last strip up his neck before pulling back and taking the shot then turning his head to you and taking the lime out of his mouth, your lips touching for a brief moment. Sucking on the line then putting it in the glass, Simons eyes were on your lips the whole time.
"AYYYYY!" They shouted once you finished.
"Seemed like you were into that Simon," Harry joked, making the others laugh, Simon telling him to shut up.
The rest of the time was spent drinking and laughing at stupid jokes, Simons hand still gripping your thigh, every now and then sliding it up, eventually making you push his hand off you when he got too close to your heat.
"How about we all go back to The Sidemen house?" Josh asked making everyone nod.
The uber back to the house was the same, Simon sitting next to you this time, once again his hand gripping your thigh, massaging it softly through your jeans.
"Had a good time?" He asks, turning his head to face you.
"Yeah it's been alright," you responded, looking back at him smiling softly.
"Good. I'm glad, but just know the night is nowhere near over yet baby." he whispered, smirking, and squeezing your thigh harder making you jump a bit and lean into him. What a dick.
Arriving back at the Sidemen house was a dream come true, you were sure that if you were in the car any longer with Simon you would've jumped him.
It seemed like you couldn't catch a break with Simon, hoping you could go upstairs and let him have his way with you. But obviously that's not what happened as JJ thought a good old game of truth or dare would've been a better way to end the night.
So you all sat in a circle in the living room, you being pulled down in between Freya and Sarah while Simon was in between JJ and Cal, typical.
The game started off pretty standard, the usual drunk truth or dare questions, Harry was dared to run around the street naked for 2 minutes, Ethan had to lick JJs toe and Josh had to answer a question.
You simply sat and waited for your turn to come around and soon enough it did, JJ was the one who got to ask,
"Y/N truth or dare?"
"I dare you to make out with the person you find most attractive in the room," he spoke and nudged Simon, laughing slightly while smirking.
You stood up, walked over and kneeled down in front of Simon, placing your lips on his, continuing the kiss for a while before pulling back, going back to your spot and sitting down breathless.
The game continued like that for a while until people started getting bored and decided it would be a good time to leave.
The people who didn't live in the sidemen house left, leaving you, Simon, Josh, JJ, Freya, and Vik. But lucky for you they decided to go to bed, leaving you and Simon alone.
"I think I might head home," you teased and stood up.
"Excuse me?" He asked, standing up and walking towards you.
"I don't think you're going anywhere baby," he whispered once he was close enough to you, grabbing your waist and pulling you into him.
"And whys that?" You asked as he pushed you up against the nearest wall and began to kiss along your neck.
"Because, I think you've teased me a bit too much tonight and I didn't deserve it" he spoke, smirking into your neck when you let out a light moan at the feeling of his lips against you.
"Wh-what are you talking about," you questioned, your breath quickening as his kisses got more intense on your neck, sucking and biting in one certain place that drove you wild.
"I saw the way you were dancing tonight, the way you've dressed and even the way you kissed me earlier, you've been driving me crazy all night and I think I've been good enough to get something off of you." He whispered once again, kissing up your neck and on your jaw, hovering over your lips but not pressing against them, just letting his hot breath fan over them as he spoke.
"So what do you say, what do you think about joining me upstairs tonight?"
You nodded and began to walk up the stairs, Simon following behind. You felt Simon close behind you as you went up the stairs, a light smack being placed on your ass, followed by a light tipsy giggle. You chuckled, turning to him, and trying to tell him to be quiet.
"I couldn't help it love, it was in my face, what did you expect me to do?"
You eventually got up to his room, you both not able to keep your hands off each other.
The door closed with a click behind you as you made your way to his large bed.
"You haven't been very nice tonight. You've been teasing me since I answered the door earlier," he whispered in your ear, his voice raspy and rough.
You pull back slightly so that you could look into his eyes, "Is there any way that I could make it up to you?"
He nods lightly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, hands splayed behind him, his legs spread apart slightly.
You took the hint, stepping between his legs, leaning down to capture his lips with yours. Your hands made their way down to the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it up slowly, breaking apart to throw it somewhere in his room. You kissed him deeply before you sank to your knees between his parted ones, undoing his belt and removing his jeans.
You moved your hand up his thigh, skimming over the edge of his boxers, up to cover his clothed cock. You rubbed your hand along it, circling his tip lightly with your thumb through them.
You hear him bite back a moan as you remove your hand, replacing it with your lips, pressing kisses up and down it.
You hear a whine leave his lips, shallow breaths leaving his lips.
"You've teased me enough," he whines, his eyes closed at the brief pleasure you were giving him.
You lean back and let out a breathy laugh, "You're so needy tonight."
You move your hands to the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down and placing them with the rest of his clothes.
You graze your fingers over the inside of his thighs, feeling him shiver at the contact, before you ghost the tip of one finger along his length. You hear Simon's breath snag in his throat as you remove your hands to kiss and lick around the tip of his cock, your tongue teasing at the slit he finds there.
Simon can't hold back a moan as he watches you slowly sink your lips down over his cock, cheeks hollowed from sucking, eyes closing with the effort. His hands dig into the sheets below him at the sight of your flushed face and reddened lips.
You pull off, placing small kitten licks on the head, letting your tongue swirl around the top and all the way down to the base. Simon is breathing erratically, trying his hardest not to buck his hips up.
You suck at the head, letting go to see pre-come drizzle down his cock.
You look up, meeting his desperate eyes. He throws his head back and groans, feeling so close to the edge already.
You feel him reach out with one of his hands, resting it on the back of your head, but not pushing down.
"Fuck, I- I'm gonna come..." he moaned, bucking his hips into your mouth slightly.
You pulled off of him, hearing a loud whine leave his lips as he was so close to coming but wasn't able to.
Looking down at your smirking face he reaches down and grabs you by the waist and pulls you down so that you're laying on the bed, him hovering over you with his knee between your thighs. He presses heated kisses to your lips, slowly making their way down your neck, sucking lightly when he got to your collar bones, grazing over the marks he had made earlier with his tongue.
You felt his rough fingertips dig into the dips of your hipbones, holding your body close to his. You felt his body move downwards. He let out a breathy sigh while pressing his lips to your exposed stomach, his hand gripping at the hem of your shirt and dragging it slowly off you, a heated trail of kisses following closely behind.
When your shirt was taken off, you connected your lips with Simons, feeling his hands wander from surrounding your waist to your back, unclasping your bra easily from the amount of times he's done it.
He throws it somewhere in the room once it was taken off. His hands roaming to graze the side of your breast as they make their way down to the button on your jeans.
Once they're off, he captures your lips in his and deepens the kiss, letting your tongues meet. You immediately feel his hard length pressing against your thigh and you can tell that the kisses are getting more and more desperate.
You feel his hand move down to your panties, sliding light teasing touches to your heat. He moves his thumb over your clit, making small circles to it, making your breath hitch in your throat.
Your moans are caught by Simons mouth, your hands roaming from his hair at the back of his neck to down his back.
He ends your kiss, leaning back to remove your panties, making delicate touches to your centre.
He inserts a finger slowly, beginning to pump it in and out of you in a steady pace. He then withdraws his hand and brings it up to his mouth, sucking his finger into his mouth, a moan of pleasure following it. Simon quickly pushes his finger back inside of you, inserting a second one too. You tighten your grip on his arm as he starts to curl his fingers, a loud moan escaping your lips as your fingernails scratching lightly down his back when he finally hits that spot within you.
You can feel yourself coming close to the edge, moans and gasps leaving your lips, and just as you feel like you could go over the edge, Simon removes his fingers.
A high whine leaves your lips at your frustration. You open your eyes to see a cocky smirk on his face.
"You're such a dickhead," you whisper, a light chuckle following.
He interrupts your laugh by connecting your lips, tongues swirling, fighting for dominance. His hands moved from your jaw to your breasts down to your legs where he parts them more so that he can comfortably lay between them.
"Are you ready?" He asks as he lines himself up with your core, biting his lower lip in anticipation.
You nod and he presses in, biting down gently on your exposed collar bone at the feeling of your walls clenching around him.
He lets out a soft whimpering moan in your ear as he finally sinks into you, stretching your walls in a way that his fingers couldn't.
He pulled your wrists up above your head, pinning them there gently with one hand, the other helping him keep his balance as he rocked his hips into yours.
He lets out a groan in your ear, a quiet question of "Would you ride me?"
You nod eagerly, your teasing mood had not died down.
Simon pulled out, lying down next to you as you sat up, straddling Simons hips. You hovered above his rock-solid cock, running a finger up the underside of it, hearing a hiss leave his mouth. You pick it up and run it along your slit, teasing him with the feeling.
"Please y/n," he almost begged, just wanting to get what he's been craving all night.
A satisfying moan came from the both of you as you sank down onto his cock.
You hear him let out a string of curse words when you started moving, his fingers gripping onto your hips for dear life.
He pulled your hips down harder as you both were nearing climax, the steady rhythm that was once there, no longer present.
As Simon felt the overwhelming urge to come he moved one of his hands to rub tight circles on your exposed clit, wanting you to come as well.
When his climax hit he pulled your hips down hard so that he was buried deep within you, his body going tense as you rocked your hips slowly back and forth, riding out your shattering climax.
You fall forward in exhaustion as both of you had come, small pants leaving your mouths. You rolled off him, relaxing into the bed. You feel the bed move as Simon gets up, but you took no knowledge of it until he brought back a cloth to help clean up.
After you were both adequately clean you collapsed into bed together, your head resting on Simons chest as his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
JJ needed to ask Simon a technical question. A genuine question that couldn't wait until Simon woke up himself. So, JJ did what he thought was the most logical answer. He barged in like the good friend he was, however he was shocked at what he found. He only expected to find a hungover, slightly grumpy Simon. Instead he found the two of you naked cuddled in his bed, marks and bruises littering both your bodies.
You opened your eyes at the slight movements from beneath you, seeing a shocked JJ standing at the foot of Simons bed, his mouth hung wide open. When you made eye contact JJ ran from the room screaming to the whole house.
"I told you they were fucking!


Words: 3545

Collab with @/Buttercreammaynard on Tumblr

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