Live - Simon*

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"You alright?"
You asked Simon as you walked in to your shared bed room, he nodded as his eyes stayed focused on his laptop. You walked over to your bed and sat next to him
"What are you looking at?"
He closed his laptop and turned to you

"You know when we have those conversations about certain fantasies we have?"


"It sounds silly because our sex life as it is, is amazing but I'm just in the mood to try something new"

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"We've done a lot of things that I've wanted to do, so I was wondering actually if you did"
You smiled at him and looked down, he slipped his fingers under your chin and lifted your head to look at him

"There is one thing"
You said quietly, he smiled and moved lifted you to straddle his lap as he sat back against the head board and placed his hands on your hips

"Tell me about it princess"

"I just kind of always had a thing about well, having sex in front of people"
His eyes widened as he sat up more, pulling you forward so you're were pressed against him

"But I'm just a bit too nervous to actually do it"

"You want people to watch you have sex, why?"
You nodded and he smirked

"I guess it'd just get me off harder since there'd be people wishing to be in one of our positions and the thought that people wish they had our sex life, excites me"

"If that's what you want to try then I'm sure we can arrange something"

He brushed his lips against yours before speaking

"There are these people and they go on this website and live stream themselves having sex, people watch it happen and in the live comment chat they tell us what they want to see, a bonus is they pay us too"
You sat there for a few moments and thought

"How do you know about this?"

"I know someone who once done it"
You looked at him for a moment
"So are you up for it?"
You nodded and smiled

"When would you like to do it?"

"We could do it tomorrow if you wanted?"

"Sure why not"
He smiled and started to speak

"Sounds good, I'll set up an account on there and you can go on and put on a pretty set of lingerie so we can make a little teaser video so people know about us and know when we will be live"
You giggled as he kissed you before letting you go and change, meanwhile he made an account for the two of you.
His eyes widened when he heard you say his name, looking over to see you leaning against the doorway in nothing but a tight set of red lingerie

"What do you think?"
You said sending him a smile

"Beautiful" he smirked, winking at you as you walked over and kneeled next to him

"What will this video consist of then?"

"Me and you, mainly you. I'm thinking having you kneeled up in front of the camera, legs spread slightly and me kneeling behind you, like this"
He said kneeling up, facing the mirror near the bed and getting you to kneel in front of him

"And then just having my hands around your waist like this and then just letting my hand slowly slide down your stomach and then rub you over your panties whilst you're moaning and whimpering for me"
He spoke lowly in your ear as he acted out all the words he was saying, you whimpered as he let go of you and sat back down
"Sound good?"
You nodded and smiled
"Let's do it then"
He moved the laptop to be on a wooden chair that he had brought in whilst you were getting dressed, he pressed record as he pulled you up and against him, his hand slowly sliding down your body, over your stomach as he made it to your core, his fingers slowly starting to move against you. Gaining speed and pressing down hard as it continued. You let out a whimper and tightly gripped his arm that was wrapped around your waist. You tipped your head back and lent it against his shoulder as his lips made contact with your neck, just under your ear
"Does it feel good princess?"
He spoke, loud enough for the laptop to pick his voice up
You nodded and moaned
"Tell the people who watch this how good it feels"

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