Rainy Days - Calfreezy

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Rain, it was classic England You and Cal had planned to go out, go shopping, get food and spend the majority of your day outside. Well the world had a different plan for you and your lover So after the rain began pouring down you two decided to stay in bed, watch movies and cuddle all day
A lazy day, they were your favourite especially with Cal

You didn't do it often but when you did you barely moved, only getting up to answer the door for the food you had ordered, but that was how you liked it
Cal did too, spending all day lying in bed with you was a dream for him, for both of you really

Because of his YouTube and Rebel FC you didn't get to spend that much time together so when you did you took advantage of it as much as you could
You decided on watching Dirty Dancing, the whole pretty looking characters who all have a secret almost erotic passion with dancing was intriguing

"Baby" you spoke as Cals head was laying on your chest, your hand running through his hair, fluffing it up

"Hmm?" He mumbled, his eyes closing at the soft feeling of your hands brushing through his hair

"Can we get a dog?" You asked making him laugh into your chest

"Why?" He asked, a smile playing in his lips

"Because they are cute" you responded making him laugh again

"One day" he looked up at you

"One day?" You smiled

"Yano when we get a house together, settled down and all that" he spoke smiling at you softly, grabbing your hand and stroking it softly

"You see a future with me?" You ask, your smile widening at his words

"I couldn't see a future without you, I love you I wouldn't want to anyway" you didn't respond but simply lent forward and placed your lips on his, taking him in for a slow, passionate kiss
You pulled away for a second

"I love you to" you whisper before kissing him again in the same manner
One of his hands rested on your jaw while the other still had your hand
His lips slowly moved against yours, smiling slightly into the kiss making you smile

Just as the kiss began to get heated you heard a loud rumbling noise making you jump and pull away from the kiss
Looking out the window the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky so it couldn't have been thunder
You looked towards Cal to see him shaking his head and laughing slightly

"Was that you?" You asked laughing at him

"I'm abit hungry" he spoke pointing to his stomach that rumbled once again
Laughing you stood up

"I'm going to order something I'll be back in a sec" you spoke as his hand grabbed yours

Laughing at his behaviour you walked out of his room to go and get your phone that was placed on the living room table and used it to order food
After you went back into Cals room, you to see him sitting up on top of the covers, shirtless, his his shorts sitting low on his hips, with messy hair and his glasses on the only thought in your head right now was that he looked irresistible, he looked up and smiled softly at you as you closed his door

You walked over to the bed and straddled his lap, putting your arms around his neck playing with the bottom of his hair and his say on your hips, he lent his head on yours and placed a small but sweet kiss on your lips

"Foods on its way" you giggled, your voice whispered as there was no need to speak normally with how close you currently were to each other

He simply hummed at your words, a delicate smile settling on his lips as his forehead continued to rest against you
He pulled away slightly and placed his lips on the your collar bone, placing soft, wet kisses there and began to kiss up your neck and along your jaw until he made it to your lips, placing him lips on yours and keeping them there this time, the kiss was quicker this time but it still had the same amount of passion, his hands slid down your hips as you pulled him closer

They slid down to squeeze your bum, making you gasp and him laugh

"Your in a giggly mood today" you whispered breaking the kiss for a second Before leaning back in

"So. Are. You" he whispered back, breaking the kiss for every word he spoke
Soon enough the kiss got more intense, his hands slipped down once more to squeeze your ass making you gasp again so he could slip his tongue into your mouth, your hips moved against him without you realising before you heard him groan, making your core throb at his voice

He flipped you over so he was on top, breathing heavily he whispered in your ear as he started to place kisses down your neck

"I didn't see today going like this" making you giggle again, he stoped for a second and smiled at you, before kissing your neck again, you moaned his name quietly making him smirk against your neck

Slowly one of his hands began to move down your body towards your centre, about to reach it until a certain someone called Harry burst through the door making Cal roll off of you

"Urm sorry guys" he laughed "but your food arrived"
He placed a bag on the bedside table and left the room laughing
Cal pulled you into him, making you lean your head on his chest and laugh

"Well that killed the mood" he said laughing with you
You both sat up and he pecked your lips smiling at you before you began to eat

"CAL I JUST WALKED IN ON FREEZY AND Y/N" was all you heard from a loud mouth
You both laughed and continued with your plan for the rest of the day


Words: 1019

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