Empty - Will*

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Rip me if he reads this

It was a regular thing for the two of you to go up and watch the sunset, you both found it calming, relaxing and well beautiful to look at
So here you were, leaned against the railing as you looked out at the setting sun, colours of orange and purple clashing together setting the sky alight with a mixture of colours

"It's always so pretty" Your voice came out soft as his wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back against his chest resting his chin on your shoulder before humming in agreement

"It's so empty, it's like there's no one up here"

"Will it's because there's not" You looked around laughing

"Oh yeah"
You tried to turn around in his arms but his grip on you only tightened as he let out a light noise of refusal
"Don't move" He whispered lowly in your ear placing a kiss on your neck

He kissed down your neck, sucking on the soft spot as you let out a small breathy moan
He chuckled quietly to himself when he pulled away and traced around the mark that graced your neck with his eyes
One of his hands turned your head to face him before settling his arm around your stomach pulling you back flat against him as he placed his lips onto yours, a deep kiss forming between the two of you as his arm tightened even more around your stomach, his other hand gliding down your waist to the hem of your flared out dress
He dragged his hand up your bare thigh under your dressed and pressed lightly against your panties
You pulled away from the kiss, leaning your forehead against his as your breathes came out deep and quick

"What are you doing" You breathed out

"Trying to make my girlfriend feel good, clearly it's working" He let out a laugh as your eyes fluttered shut when he pressed down harder against you

"Not up here, what if we get seen"

"Like you said, its empty no one will come up here"
Your hands moved to his arm that was tight around your stomach, gripping on to it when he began to rub slow, hard circles into your covered clit
"And maybe I'm up for trying something new" His voice grew deeper while his already thick accent become more prominent

A light moan fell from your lips as his fingers worked against you until he paused his actions, turning you around in his arms and looking down at you

"If you don't want to just tell me" He whispered, you felt his fingers slide down into your panties running a finger threw your pretty much soaked core
You let out a shaky breath of his name when you felt his finger graze over your entrance before pushing it in

"Will" He looked down at you

"Shhh" Your mouthed opened slightly when he pushed his finger further into you
"If you're too loud then we will definitely get caught"

He pushed in another finger, a small moan leaving you when he curled them against your soaked walls

"Please" You whimpered as his fingers sped up inside of you

"Please what? What do you want love"

"You" Desperation and need for him radiated off of you as he laughed slightly

"Guess you really can't resist me then" You shook your head as he pulled his fingers out of you and fixed your dress
"Come on" He put his hand out and lead you inside, looking for the most reserved, hidden spot he could find
Eventually finding one that he claimed
'No one will be able to see us if they do walk in'

He sat down on a sofa that was pressed back against a wall, pulling you down to straddle him
Kneeling up, you undone his jeans and pulled them down enough with his boxers so his now hardened cock would spring out
He shivered when you ran a hand down his shaft before pushing your panties to the side and sinking down on him
Your hands landed on his shoulders, his hands going to your hips as you stilled around him, letting him stretch you out before moving on him

Your movements were quite calm, slow not wanting to go too fast in case someone did actually walk in and catch the two of you
You leaned forward and placed your lips on his, the movements of yours lips following the movements of your hips
You both let out shaky breaths and quiet moans into the kiss as his hands began to guide your hips moving you so he'd slide in and out of you
His hands moved around gripping your ass through your dress, your hands moving and holding either side of his face as your kiss deepened and grew hotter, your breathing now coming out in pants as his hands moved your faster on him

You felt yourself tighten and clench around him, a low moan leaving him when you did changing the atmosphere as his hands went back to your hips and gripped tightly before thrusting up into you, your lips falling from his as you let out an accidental loud moan slip from your mouth as his thrusts didn't slow down
He pressed against the spot inside of you, your head falling into his neck as your body began to feel limp on his, little moans falling from you into his neck as you tried to hide them and keep quiet, failing miserably when you clenched around him again and all the tension and pressure that had built up inside of you released around him with a slight moan of his name
His thrusts up calmed slightly as he felt himself finish, his head falling against yours as you pulled of off him and collapsed on the chair next to him, both of you fixing yourself and trying to steady out your breathing

"Will" You heard someone shout walking into the room, his eyes widened as he stood up and took your hand pulling you back out side and back to the railing

"Here you are" You heard Josh behind the two of you who were now standing against the railings next to eachother
"We've been looking for you for a while"

"We've been up here" He laughed
Josh walked back inside as Will turned to you chuckling lightly

"That was close"


Words: 1069

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