Again - Will*

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You had been invited to your cousins wedding and to be completely honest, you weren't excited about going. You didn't have anyone to bring and the 'Plus 1' part on the invitation made you feel worse about it.
You hoped there would be at least one other person who was alone there, lucky for you your wish came true. Will was a close friend of your cousin and you had met him a few times before the wedding, you had been seated with him during the wedding and during the reception dinner. You and him spoke happily catching up
"So how have you been?"

"I've been good, how about you?"

"I've also been very good actually"
He sent you a beaming smile, from the few times you had met Will you noticed he gradually got more attractive. Now him sitting next to you dressed in a suit, he was hot and you couldn't deny it.
You and Will had had a few 'intimate' moments in your past, every time you saw each other something went down, last time you ended up having sex and to be completely honest you wanted tonight to go in that. Unknown to you, he had the exact same thoughts

"You look better than ever" You sent him a smile

"As do you"
It was true, how he looked his suit done things to you
It continued like that for a while, light conversation and some flirty comments from both sides. He let his hand wonder down and rest on your thigh and turn to you

"You know, I haven't forgotten about the last time we saw each other"
Your breath would hitch slight as his hand moved up and squeezed your thigh

"Neither have I"
Luckily for you, your chair was tucked under the table and the table cloth completely covered your lower half, his hand slowly pushed up your dress and lightly ran his fingers over your panties sending shivers up your spine, he turned and started speaking to the person who was sat across from him His fingers pressed down hard against your covered clit, moving his fingers in tight, slow circles
He felt your nails dig slightly into his wrist making him turn his head and look at you, he had a serious face on, raising his eyebrow at you as he pressed down harder onto your clit, you sunk back into your chair and he chuckled slightly
Your eyes fluttered shut for a breath moment before opening in shock at the sound of a glass clinking signaling a speech and Will's hand leaving your panties and sitting on your thigh, squeezing it every now and then distracting you from the speech
You turned your head and tried to follow his gaze to the person who was making the speech but your eyes trailed further along and Will's side profile captured your attention, your eyes traced over his jaw line and his cheek bones falling to his lips as his tongue darted out and wet them He turned his head as if he could feel your gaze on him and looked at you sending a wink and squeezing your thigh again

A while later the speech ended and so did the dinner causing the after party to begin, once it had begun Will took your hand and took you out of the room, walking you deep in to the building and as far away as the party he could before finding a single bathroom and pushing you into the room, locking the door after he walked in behind you
The bathroom was quite spacious, a sink with counters either side of it and a toilet
He pressed you back against the door, one of his hands sat flat on the door next to your head and his other went down to your waist pressing you further back against the door, he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto yours sighing in content for finally getting some sort of physical contact with you
His hands moved down to your thighs, squeezing them and making you wrap your legs around his waist
He ground is hips into yours pushed you further in to the door, a small moan leaving you and getting lost in the kiss
His grip on your thighs tightened as he carefully moved you from the door and sat you on the counter next to the sink, standing between your legs he broke the kiss and began placing kisses down your neck, he pushed up your dress so it would sit on your hips, pulling your soaked panties down so they would fall down your legs and on to the floor
He undone his trousers and pulled them down enough with his boxers so that his cock would spring out
You pushed him back, shocking him slightly as you jumped off the counter and went down onto your knees

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