Holiday - Simon*

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"You ready?" Simon asked as he started up his car

Simon had asked you to go away to the country side with him for a week, with everything going on recently he wanted a break before the stress got too much for him, he wanted to use the week as a way to relax and calm down, destress even
You had left London quite late, Simon wanted to make sure he had enough videos planned for the week, recording extra just in case
When you finally did arrive it was quite late, 8pm to be exact
By the time you had unpacked, sorted the house out and eaten it was 11pm
The house was like a cottage in the middle of no where, not a sound could be heard from anywhere but inside the cottage

It was truly beautiful
Since it was quite late when you finished the two of you had decided to get a drunk, siting in front of the first on the fluffiest carpet you had ever felt and talk
You were sitting facing each other, your bare legs stretched out next to him as he sat in the same position

"How come you asked me to come then?" He smiled lightly at your question

"Because your the only person I can tolerate being alone in a house with for an entire week"
You laughed at his answer

"Really? So you can't stand being around any of your other friends for longer than a day" He nodded and laughed

"So how's your relationship going"

"What the one that doesn't exist?" He laughed at you wen you answered

"I haven't been with someone in ages Si"

"You've at least been intimate with someone" he spoke quoting the words intimate with his fingers

"Intimate? A drunk fuck after a night out isn't exactly intimate, I just haven't been around in a while, I dont remember the last time I had slept with someone to be honest"
His mouth opened slightly as he looked at you confused before smirking

"Someone on a dry spell?" He laughed as you blushed lightly
"Nothing to be ashamed of love"

"I mean a dry spell is something you know about to well" You laughed at his shocked expression before continuing "Fucks sake Simon I'm joking of course you'd say that, your fucking a new girl each week"

"Now that's debatable"
You shook your head and laughed


"So how come it's been so long Y/N?"

"I'm not sure, I just haven't made the effort to want to do it, it's not like I don't want to it's just that none of the boys who want it from me are the type of guy I'd go for"

"Did you just low-key tell me your sexually frustrated" he laughed ignoring everything else you had said as you nodded and giggled slightly

"You know there's nothing wrong with it"

"With what?"

"Being sexually frustrated, it's a natural feeling especially when it's been so long since you have had sex" His hand ran up your bare leg lightly making you shiver as his eyes made contact with

"Simon" You whispered lowly as his hand moved up your thigh, you hand realised how close you had been until now, he was sat facing you between your legs, moving onto his knees and stilling his hand on your thigh and kept it there, his other hand moving to the floor behind you as his face lent down close to yours, your hands going and resting behind you as you leaned back whispering his name again

"Hmm?" He whispered back squeezing your thigh before leaning forward, stilling right before his lips touch yours hesitating before pushing his lips onto yours, your breathing sped up as the world around you slowed down

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