Morning Hike - ChrisMD*

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"Chris it's 6am why the fuck are we on top of a mountain" your voice in a slight shout making him laugh and then to you

"Because it's pretty up here" you looked around and had to agree the view was gorgeous

He had dragged you out this morning because he wanted to show you something, you didn't expect to be hiking up a mountain so early in the morning

"Come here" he reached his hand out the grab yours and pulled you behind him, walking you to a few trees and standing between them taking his jacket off and laying it on the floor

"What are you doing?" You laugh as you watched him kick a few branches out the way

"Have you ever had sex on top of a mountain?" You looked at him and laughed

"Are you suggesting that you want to fuck me under theses tress" he laughed at your response before nodding with a cheeky smile, pulling you into him and grabbing your waist

"I want to try something new, I've never had sex outdoors before and there's no better place than in a beautiful environment with a beautiful girl" he leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips, smiling into it making you giggle

"I guess it could be fun" he grinned at your response before picking you up and spinning you around, lying you down on his coat before hovering above you

"We need to be quick I'm not about to get caught being fucked babe" he laughed at your words, pecking your lips before kneeling up to unzip his jeans off along with his boxers, doing the same with yours leaving both of your lower bodies bare

"Ready baby?" He asked, guiding his cock down your slit before pushing the tip into you, a little moan leaving your lips

He pushed the rest of himself into you, his hands going either side of your head and yours going around his neck
He pulled out and almost slammed back into you, setting a fast, hard pace leaving you biting your tongue underneath him to stop yourself from moaning out

"Don't silence your self baby, we're miles away from anyone and it's 6am no one will be here" he laughed at his own words making you giggle slightly before letting go of your tongue and moaned out his name, gradually getting louder

"Okay maybe not that loud you'll draw attention to us" you giggle at his words, kissing him
Pulling away as you let out another loud moan

"Come on princess I'm not looking to get caught" he laughs, grabbing one of your hands from around his shoulders and placing it over your mouth
"that should keep you quiet" You giggle into your hand as his pace got faster, placing his face in your neck and biting down trying not to let out any groans himself

One of his hands slid down and rubbed harsh circles on your clit making you bite down on your hand trying not to scream out as your walls began clenching around his thick cock

"Come for me princess" he whispered in your ear, his voice was enough to send you over the edge but mixed with his fingers rubbing circles on your clit and his thick cock thrusting in and out of you, you felt an intense orgasm coming
He moved your hand and placed his lips on yours, gasps of his name falling from your mouth into him
Your hands went and gripped tightly into his arms as you let out one single moan into his mouth and found yourself cumming around him

"Let it go baby" and you did, clenching your walls even tighter before setting off his orgasm, groaning into your lips as he rode out both of your orgasms
He pulled out and pecked your lips again before standing up and laughing helping you out your jeans on and then putting his own back on

"That was a new experience" you laughed out making him laugh with you

"I knew we wouldn't get caught" he teased knowing he was right

"Well you never know who might be behind the tress baby" you laughed at his shocked expression before hearing people speaking near you, he grabbed his coat and your hand and pulled you out of the area laughing

"Why did you do that" you spoke in between laughs

"Well I mean I didn't want to face someone who could have potentially just see me fucking my girlfriend" he grabbed you and pecked your lips

"Let's go back and sleep" he laughed at your before nodding and agreeing


Words: 774

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