Something New - ChrisMD*

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It stated out purely innocent, but what was supposed to be a cuddly night in with your boyfriend quickly changed to something more, he was sitting up against the headboard in just his boxers as you were straddling his lap only in a matching underwear set

Your arms were hooked around his neck while his were running up and down your back and hips, kissing you deeply as you began to grind yourself over his clothed cock
His hands ran down to your backside, squeezing causing a small gasp to escape from your mouth to his making him chuckle slightly and run his tongue across yours

He tapped your ass slightly, a moan leaving your mouth as he did causing him to do it again, harder this time letting a louder moan slip from your lips this time
He pulled and looked at you for a second before speaking

"What was that" he laughed, eyes roaming your face for any sort of indication

"What?" You spoke, a confused tone prominent in your voice
His hand went down again and squeezed your ass making you giggle until his hand went back and he hit it harder, a loud yelp leaving your mouth mixed with a moan of his name

"Do you like that princess?" He whispered into your neck biting it lightly, his voice laced in a teasing tone

"Chris" you breathed out as he pushed your hips down against his, grinding you down as he continued to assault your neck

"You in the mood to try something new baby?" He spoke, his head leaving the warmth of your neck still pushing your hips against his

"Like what" you breathed out, his hands sliding around up your back to your bra and undoing the clasp, and throwing it to the side somewhere

"I want to taste you" he whispered rubbing light circles on your clit over your panties

"Please" you whimpered out

"Stand up baby girl" he pressed a kiss on your lips and let you get up, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed as you stood in front of him
He slipped your panties down your legs before pressing kisses down your stomach

"How about a new position?" He asked, his eyes looking up and making contact with you as his hands ran up and down your thighs
You gave him a confused look when he layed down on the bed

"Come here baby" you straddled his lap again, being pulled forward by your hips so you were straddling his chest before catching on to what he wanted

"You want me to, you want me to sit on your face?" You asked, a slight whimper leaving your mouth at the thought


You moved up the bed once more so your hands were gripping on to the headboard and your dripping centre above his mouth before he attached his lips straight to your clit and grabbed your hips pulling you down onto his mouth
You moaned at his hands gripped your ass, moving your hips so you could grind against his flat tongue

One of your hands stayed gripped to the head bored as the other went down into his hair, pulling on it as his tongue slipping inside of you loud moans and whimpers falling from your lips as pleasure shot through your body
He licked up your slit a few times

"Careful princess" he whispered against you when your hand gripped his hair a bit too tight after his tongue pressed hard against you in one particularly long lick

"Don't want me to stop do you"

You moaned at his words showing you clearly didn't want him to stop
His hand moved and slapped against your ass again a yelp mixed with a moan leaving your mouth as he did, he chuckled at your reaction pressing his hands harder against your ass pushing your core closer to him as his licks became more frequent and powerful knowing you would cum on his tongue very soon

Your thighs began to clench around his head, both of your hands now gripping on to the head board as your felt your orgasm approaching, his tongue moved back to your entrance pushing it in
You let out a loud moan of his name as you felt yourself come undone on his tongue, he licked up cleaning you before lifting you and placing you on his lap

Your head fell into his neck as he waited for your breathing to steady out, his hands running up and down your hips He lifted you off of him and stood up

"All fours baby girl" he slipped his boxers off as you got on your hands and knees
He climbed onto the bed behind you placing his hands on your hips running them down your thighs slapping the side of your thigh before grabbing his cock and running it down your slit circling your sensitive clit

He pushed the tip in before grabbing a hold of your hips and pulling them back driving himself into you
Continuing this action many times, his hands having a tight grip on your hips surely to leave his fingers prints there

"Fuck, your pussy feels so good around me" you moaned at his words showing your appreciation for the praise
One of his hands running up your back to your neck gripping onto your hair before pulling it lightly, pulling your body up and into him so your back was pressed against his chest, your head leaned back against his shoulder moaning loudly at the new position, his cock thrusting deeper inside of you hitting against places he didn't reach before

One of his arms going around your stomach holding you in place and his other going to your clit rubbing fast harsh circles onto you before raising up and snaking his arm around your chest holding you into place back into his chest as he drove up into you
His head dipped into your neck sucking and biting into it

"Show me how good I make you feel, cum around my cock baby girl" his words made you clench around him, an intense orgasm hitting you instantly loud moans of Chris' name uncontrollably falling from your mouth as you came undone around him, him shooting himself into you not long after
He pulled out and let you collapse on the bed watching himself drop down your thigh chuckling to himself until he looked down to see a red hand mark on your ass

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" he had panic in his voice, confused you rolled over onto your back about to speak until you winced at a feeling from your backside

"It's okay" you giggled pulling him down to you and kissing him

"But that's definitely something we should do again"

"Oh yeah definitely" you finished it off sealing your night with a kiss


Words: 1153

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